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Law firm launches third stolen wages class action
Class Actions 2021-06-11 2:23 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A class action has been filed against the federal government on behalf of First Nations people in the Northern Territory who were allegedly denied wages owed for work performed over a nearly 40-year period.

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Judge extends injunction blocking ex-Liberty Financial exec from joining rival
Employment 2021-06-04 2:10 pm By Christine Caulfield

A judge has extended an injunction barring a former manager of non-bank lender Liberty Financial from working for a unit of Wingate Group until after trial in a case over a restraint clause in the executive’s contract.

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Court to hear challenge to unions funding class action against UGL
Class Actions 2021-06-03 12:04 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Engineering giant UGL will file proceedings against two unions seeking to block them from funding an underpayments class action on behalf of casual workers, with a judge noting the Full Court may need to weigh in on whether unions can fund class actions.

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ClubsNSW can use docs in money laundering whistleblower’s lawsuits
Employment 2021-06-01 8:35 pm By Miklos Bolza

The association behind over 1,300 clubs in NSW has won court permission to use documents produced in its breach of confidentiality lawsuit against whistleblower Troy Stolz in two other proceedings brought by the former compliance auditor for Fair Work contraventions, defamation and workers compensation.

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Court bars ex-Liberty Financial exec from jumping ship to competitor
Employment 2021-05-27 1:12 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A judge has issued a temporary injunction barring a former manager from non-bank lender Liberty Financial from moving over to a unit of the Wingate Group, after hearing the company was “start-up facsimile” of Liberty which aimed to become a competitor in the future.

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Scott Morrison should apologise to Christine Holgate for ‘improper threat’, report says
Employment 2021-05-26 10:11 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Prime Minister Scott Morrison should apologise to former Australia Post CEO Christine Holgate for leveling an “improper threat” during a Senate hearing last year that she should “stand aside or go” for purchasing $5,000 Cartier watches as bonuses for four employees.

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High Court to hear former prosecutor’s appeal after $435,000 PTSD award overturned
High Court 2021-05-25 12:36 pm By Christine Caulfield

A former solicitor in the Victorian Office of Public Prosecutions who claims she suffered severe post-traumatic stress disorder and depression from repeated exposure to sexual offence cases will get a chance to make her case before the High Court.

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‘There must be something special about him’: Judge probes barrister on why he’s repping ex-Liberty Financial exec
Employment 2021-05-24 6:15 pm By Miklos Bolza

A judge has pressed a barrister on why he’s representing a former manager from non-bank lender Liberty Financial in proceedings seeking to bar him from jumping ship to startup ORDE Financial in addition to representing ORDE and its parent company, calling it an “unusual” arrangement.

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High Court to weigh in on CFMEU’s serial offender status in assessing penalties
High Court 2021-05-21 10:52 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The High Court has granted special leave to the Australian Building and Construction Commissioner in a case dealing with how the CFMEU’s history as a serial offender should have been considered when assessing the penalty the union should face for breaches of the Fair Work Act.

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High Court won’t hear case over sick leave for stood-down Qantas workers
Employment 2021-05-21 2:12 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The High Court has denied special leave to unions representing 20,000 Qantas workers who were stood down during the coronavirus pandemic to challenge a ruling that they were not entitled to paid sick or compassionate leave.

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