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$50M lawsuit alleges Rebel Sport CEO had relationship with former HR chief
Employment 2024-04-26 1:31 pm By Christine Caulfield

The owner of Rebel Sport is facing a $50 million lawsuit by two former employees who allege CEO Anthony Heraghty carried on a secret relationship with the retailer’s former chief human resources officer.

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Woolworths fined $1.3M for long service leave underpayments
Retail 2024-04-26 4:25 pm By Christine Caulfield

Woolworths has been fined $1.3 million by a magistrate after admitting it failed to pay long service leave entitlements to more than 1,000 employees.

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$230M junior doctors settlement shows employment class actions ‘viable and attractive’, experts say
Analysis 2024-04-24 11:39 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A landmark $230 million settlement in an underpayments class action on behalf of junior doctors in NSW shows employment group proceedings are “viable and attractive” and may encourage more players to pursue representative cases on behalf of workers, according to class action experts.

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Scyne reaches settlement over defection of former tax partner to Downer EDI
Employment 2024-04-24 3:36 pm By Christine Caulfield

Scyne Advisory has resolved its case seeking to bar a former partner from working for the professional services arm of Downer EDI, in a confidential settlement the firm said acknowledged the need to protect information and uphold restraints.

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AMA Group reaches settlement with former CEO Andrew Hopkins
Employment 2024-04-23 11:57 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Former AMA Group CEO Andrew Hopkins has agreed to pay the car repair giant a confidential sum to settle claims he defrauded the company of $3 million and breached his fiduciary duties.

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Judge worries about perception that FWO treated CFMEU ‘more equal than others’
Employment 2024-04-22 11:55 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has expressed concern that a “bizarre” last-minute settlement in a long-running case against the CFMEU could damage the public perception of the FWO as a model litigant, saying it could appear that the ombudsman treated some perpetrators as “more equal” than others. 

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FWC showed no bias in Mantle Group case despite ‘harsh’ remark, says Full Court
Employment 2024-04-22 3:10 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A subsidiary of hospitality giant Mantle Group has failed to set aside a Fair Work Commission decision finding it systematically underpaid employees and gave “knowingly false” evidence, with an appeals court refusing to find the decision gave rise to the appearance of bias.

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Three barristers appointed to new Industrial Court in NSW
Employment 2024-04-22 12:52 pm By Sam Matthews

Two employment silks and a criminal barrister have been selected by the NSW government to serve on the state’s restored Industrial Court.

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Shane Heal’s suspension from Flames following bullying complaints lawful: court
Sports 2024-04-19 4:32 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has rejected claims by basketball coach Shane Heal that the Sydney Flames used bullying complaints from several players as a ‘smoke screen’ to hide unlawful reasons for suspending him last year.

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FWC rejects WFH request, says Bendigo Bank worker ‘only concerned about himself’
Employment 2024-04-17 11:00 pm By Andy Sidler

The Fair Work Commission has ordered a Bendigo Bank worker to come into the office two days a week, saying he was “only concerned about himself” in seeking to work from home full time.

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