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HFW recruits leading IR lawyer to bolster employment practice
People In The News 2023-05-17 3:22 pm By Gareth Baker

International law firm HFW is expanding its Australian employment practice, hiring leading industrial relations, safety and employment law solicitor Simon Billing in Perth.

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Tech exec subjected to DXC’s ‘unreasonable’ 7-year restraint clause wins appeal
Technology 2023-05-16 10:28 pm By Sam Matthews

An appeals court has found a seven-year non-competition clause in US tech giant DXC Eclipse’s agreement with the former director of Melbourne software firm Sable37, which it acquired in 2018, was unreasonable.

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Directed Electronics wins $3.27M in Hanhwa trade secrets case, with damages still to come
Intellectual Property 2023-05-15 2:09 pm By Sam Matthews

Automotive electronics company Directed Electronics is set to claw back $3.27 million in commission payments made to a former manager through a secret side agreement with South Korean giant Hanhwa, with a ruling on damages still to come in the five-year case.

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Art school resolves former dean’s dismissal-by-Instagram case
Employment 2023-05-11 4:32 pm By Christine Caulfield

The former dean of a Melbourne art school has resolved her case alleging she was unfairly sacked via Instagram direct message while on annual leave.

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University of Technology Sydney to backpay staff $4.4M
FWO 2023-05-11 11:34 pm By Gareth Baker

The University of Technology Sydney will backpay staff more than $4.4 million, plus $1.3 million in superannuation and interest, after agreeing to an enforceable undertaking with the Fair Work Ombudsman.

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High Court win for Qantas in outsourcing appeal would create ‘whack-a-mole’ legal right, TWU says
Appeals 2023-05-09 11:42 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

If Qantas triumphs in its High Court appeal of a ruling that found it violated the Fair Work Act when it outsourced ground crew at the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, it would create a “whack-a-mole” legal right to terminate disadvantaged people, the Transport Workers Union has argued.

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Tinkler case against Mach Energy dismissed after security for costs goes unpaid
Employment 2023-05-09 4:09 pm By Christine Caulfield

A lawsuit by the companies of mining executive Nathan Tinkler against MACH Energy alleging misuse of confidential information has been tossed after the deadline for paying security for costs came and went.

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Sally Rugg settles suit against MP Monique Ryan
Employment 2023-05-08 11:06 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Independent Monique Ryan’s ex-chief of staff Sally Rugg has reportedly settled her Fair Work case against her former employer and the Commonwealth for $100,000, in what was billed as a test case for determining reasonable overtime.

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Shipping exec who felt pressured to retire wins $230,000 judgment
Employment 2023-05-04 11:22 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A former chief accountant for MUR Shipping who claims he was pressured to retire has won an appeal in his age discrimination case, bumping his damages award up from $20,000 to around $230,000.

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McDonald’s franchisee to pay $275,000 for union busting
Employment 2023-05-04 12:20 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A McDonald’s franchisee in Murray Bridge, South Australia has agreed to pay a $275,000 penalty after admitting to unlawfully discouraging workers from joining their union.

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