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Pendal dodges email production before trial in manager’s adverse action case
Employment 2023-04-14 11:18 pm By Christine Caulfield

Fund manager Pendal Group has fended off calls to produce documents two months out from trial in a case by a portfolio manager who alleges he was threatened with termination while on stress leave, and later made redundant.

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Melbourne University justified in sacking professor over ‘highly inappropriate’ texts: FWC
Employment 2023-04-14 11:17 pm By Sam Matthews

The Fair Work Commission has upheld the firing of a Melbourne University professor who was found to have pursued an inappropriate personal relationship with a former employee who later complained she had been “groomed”.

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Female partner drops sex discrimination case against ISG
Employment 2023-04-14 11:31 pm By Christine Caulfield

A sex discrimination case by the only female partner at global tech research company Information Services Group has been discontinued after a judge panned the “ludicrous” number of witnesses expected to give evidence.

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Directed Electronics appeals partial loss in case over ‘reprehensible’ trade secrets theft
Intellectual Property 2023-04-14 11:38 pm By Christine Caulfield

Car electronics company Directed Electronics has challenged a ruling that partially dismissed its case over the alleged misappropriation of trade secrets by a former manager, who was found to have pocketed $3.6 million in commissions through a secret agreement with rival Hanhwa.

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Ex-Cushman & Wakefield director says $1.3M sign-on bonus with rival at stake in employment case
Employment 2023-04-12 10:52 pm By Sam Matthews

A court has heard that a director at office leasing company Cushman & Wakefield who accepted a job with a competitor could lose a $1.3 million sign-on bonus if the case by her former employer is not promptly resolved.

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Court’s backlog not reason enough to transfer Fair Work case, judge finds
Employment 2023-04-11 10:31 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A judge has rejected a Federal Circuit and Family Court judge’s decision to transfer a PhD student’s Fair Work lawsuit against the University of Western Australia to the Federal Court because his court does not have the proper resources to consider it. 

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Class action seeks court OK to drop case after teleco contractor fails
Employment 2023-04-04 5:26 pm By Christine Caulfield

The applicant in an underpayments class action against telecommunications contractor Tandem — which has been stayed since the company entered administration — has asked a court to abandon the case.

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‘Absolutely ludicrous’: Judge pans witness numbers in ISG sex discrimination case
Employment 2023-04-03 11:59 am By Christine Caulfield

The judge overseeing a sex discrimination and harassment lawsuit by the only female partner at global technology research company Information Services Group has lashed out at the parties for proposing to call a parade of 16 witnesses and estimating the trial would take three weeks.

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Thiess settles underpayments class action by FIFO workers for $858,000
Class Actions 2023-04-03 12:15 pm By Sam Matthews

Mining services company Thiess has settled a class action by fly-in fly-out workers who alleged they were not paid for time spent on the bus travelling home from a Pilbara-based liquefied natural gas processing plant owned by Woodside Energy.

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Bellamy’s says ex-CEO sacked for poor performance, not discrimination
Employment 2023-04-03 11:03 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Baby food producer Bellamy’s has hit back at a $400,000 lawsuit by its former chief executive officer, saying she was sacked because of “poor financial performance” and not because she complained about sex discrimination. 

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