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Fiat Chrysler accused of sacking GM for taking leave
Employment 2022-11-09 11:47 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The former general manager of sales for Fiat Chrysler Australia has sued the car company for allegedly terminating him for taking two periods of leave after being diagnosed with an auto-immune condition.

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Judge warns Domino’s about ‘trial by ambush’ as underpayments class action hearing kicks off
Trials 2022-11-02 9:07 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge has slammed Domino’s for its “entirely unsatisfactory” opening submissions in an underpayments class action, warning the pizza giant not to hide arguments and evidence up its sleeve.

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Wilson Security hit with second wage class action, this one run by lawyers
Employment 2022-11-02 11:21 pm By Christine Caulfield

A law firm has filed a class action against Wilson Security on behalf of employees who claim to have been underpaid, just weeks after a court shut down a group proceeding against the company brought by a self-represented worker.

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Judge blames law firm for delays in Romeo’s class actions
Employment 2022-10-31 1:08 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge overseeing two underpayments class actions against supermarket chain Romeo’s has rejected a bid for a private costs assessor by Adero Law, which will now go unpaid until at least January.

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‘Everyone will believe him and not you’: Qantas sued for sex discrimination by female pilot
Employment 2022-10-31 11:44 pm By Sam Matthews

Qantas has been hit with a lawsuit by a former female pilot who says she suffered years of sex discrimination and harassment that culminated in a three-hour flight simulation with a hostile instructor that left her “visibly distraught.”

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IP firm Marquette resolves suit by lawyer allegedly fired for complaints of bullying
Intellectual Property 2022-10-31 1:33 pm By Christine Caulfield

Boutique firm Marquette IP has reached a settlement with a former trade mark attorney who claimed she was sacked for making complaints of bullying by a supervisor. 

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Orix settles $18M case against CEO fired after arrest on bribery charges
Employment 2022-10-28 11:23 pm By Sam Matthews

The sacked boss of Orix Australia — who escaped charges of corruption three years ago — has settled a dispute with his former employer, including a claim by the fleet management company for $18 million in damages.

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University of Sydney unfairly axed lecturer over swastika image, court finds
Employment 2022-10-28 11:47 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge has found that the University of Sydney unlawfully terminated the employment of a political economy lecturer who was fired for conduct that included showing students a slide of a Nazi swastika superimposed on the Israeli flag.

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Receptionist in Tim Paine sexting saga can’t bring harassment case against Cricket Tasmania
Employment 2022-10-27 10:16 am By Cindy Cameronne

A former receptionist who allegedly suffered sexual harassment by Australian cricket players and managers has lost her bid to bring her case against Cricket Tasmania out of time, despite her claims of suffering ill mental health.

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Judge who represented Sydney Trains won’t recuse herself from fight with union
Employment 2022-10-24 11:41 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has rejected a bid by the Australian rail union to recuse herself from hearing its case against Sydney Trains that seeks approval to deactivate Opal readers amid protracted industrial action, despite having represented the rail operator when she was a barrister last year. 

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