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Teleco contractor BSA can’t get costs for winning class action side spat
Employment 2022-10-10 11:33 pm By Christine Caulfield

Teleco contractor BSA, which resolved a class action by its workforce for $20 million, won’t be recouping the costs of legal action to exclude a $13 million capital raising from the settlement.

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Cybersecurity firm Otka accused of firing GM on eve of retirement
Employment 2022-10-07 10:05 am By Cat Fredenburgh

The former general manager of Okta has sued the tech company for allegedly terminating him on the eve of his retirement to avoid a transfer of over 2,000 shares owed under his employment contract. 

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Law firm loses fight over legal fees in Romeo’s class actions
Class Actions 2022-10-06 3:18 am By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has rejected a class action law firm’s challenge to her decision to slash its fees in two underpayments class actions against supermarket chain Romeo’s after finding it “seriously breached” rules of the legal profession. 

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Judge OKs $2.2M settlement in Drakes class action but questions law firm’s costs
Class Actions 2022-10-06 11:26 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has approved a $2.2 million settlement in a class action on behalf of Drakes store managers who were allegedly underpaid but has deferred her approval of fees charged by the law firm — the same firm that saw its fees cut in two similar class actions.

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Judge doubts utility of Full Court hearing in sacked Greenwoods partner’s case
Employment 2022-10-06 4:02 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has raised concerns about the utility of referring a satellite dispute over whistleblower protections to the Full Court in a $13 million lawsuit brought by an ex-Greenwoods & Herbert Smith Freehills partner.

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Aldi could owe $10M for failing to compensate workers for ‘pre-work’
Employment 2022-10-05 1:57 pm By Sam Matthews

The Shop, Distributive & Allied Employees’ Association has struck a blow for Aldi warehouse workers, with a judge ordering the supermarket giant to backpay its workers for unpaid pre-work duties undertaken since 2018.

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ANZ denies firing ex-money markets head over sexual harassment, APRA reporting complaints
Financial Services 2022-10-05 3:43 pm By Sam Matthews

The Australian and New Zealand Banking Group has hit back at allegations by its former head of money markets that he was sacked for making complaints about sexual harassment by senior managers at the bank and false reporting to the prudential regulator.

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University of Melbourne admits manager called academic ‘self-entitled Y-genner’
Employment 2022-10-04 4:31 pm By Sam Matthews

The University of Melbourne has hit back at the Fair Work Ombudsman’s allegations that it took adverse action against two casual academics to prevent them from claiming payment for extra hours worked, but admitted a supervisor penned an email referring to one of them as a “self-entitled Y-genner”.

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Judge declasses Wilson Security class action over objections from group members
Class Actions 2022-10-04 3:32 pm By Sam Matthews

Despite objections from numerous group members, a judge has tossed an underpayments class action brought by a self-represented applicant against Wilson Security, ruling that class actions should not be run without lawyers.

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‘I have no faith in your time records’: Class action firm ticks off judge
Class Actions 2022-09-29 4:08 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge who slashed the fees of a law firm that reached a $1.55 million settlement in two class actions against supermarket chain Romeo’s has expressed her “annoyance” at the firm’s attempt to tender time records to justify the bill.

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