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Judge finds NSW environmental regulator has ‘duty’ to address climate change
Climate change 2021-08-26 10:15 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The NSW Environment Protection Authority must develop policies to protect the environment from the threat of climate change, a judge has found in a significant victory for climate advocates.

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Santos accused of misleading market by ‘greenwashing’ natural gas claims
Environment 2021-08-26 6:20 pm By Bianca Hrovat

Leading Australian oil and gas producer Santos is accused of misleading the market by “greenwashing” its environmental credentials in a landmark shareholder-led lawsuit filed in the Federal Court.

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Judge sets course to avoid ‘Brobdingnagian’ trial in PFAS class actions
Class Actions 2021-08-20 5:31 pm By Miklos Bolza

With mediation failing to resolve an expansive class action against the federal government over its use of allegedly toxic firefighting foam, a judge has charted a plan to avoid a “Brobdingnagian” trial and efficiently determine the claims of group members around eight military bases across Australia.

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Government hit with climate lawsuit over NSW logging agreement
Environment 2021-08-04 9:59 am By Cat Fredenburgh

The Commonwealth has been hit with a lawsuit alleging it failed to take climate change into account when it renewed an agreement with NSW for logging in the coastal areas between Sydney and Queensland in 2018.

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Latest climate change lawsuit targets government over $21M Beetaloo drilling grant
Environment 2021-07-29 9:40 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The federal government has been hit with a lawsuit alleging it failed to take into account the impact on climate change when it awarded an Empire Energy subsidiary a $21 million grant for gas exploration in the Northern Territory, two months after a landmark ruling found the government owes a duty of care to protect children from the risks of climate change.

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Judge urged to shut down ‘pseudo’ class action over climate change disclosures
Environment 2021-07-28 10:13 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A green activist who filed a group proceeding alleging the government failed to disclose the impacts of climate change to investors in sovereign bonds does not have a common interest with group members and should have her lawsuit declassed, a court has heard.

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Appeals court paves way for $915M museum despite ‘irony’ of Willow Grove removal
Construction 2021-07-21 4:37 pm By Bianca Hrovat

A resident group’s last ditch attempt to prevent the NSW government from relocating a locally significant heritage building has been dismissed by the NSW Supreme Court of Appeal, paving the way for the development of a $915 million museum in Parramatta.

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‘Pretty embarrassing’: Teen frowns on government’s appeal of victory in climate change class action
Appeals 2021-07-09 3:39 pm By Bianca Hrovat

The Federal Minister for the Environment has announced plans to appeal a Federal Court judgment that found the government has a duty of care to protect Australian children from the impacts of climate change. 

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Climate change class actions likely as court finds duty of care owed to children
Class Actions 2021-05-28 2:03 pm By Miklos Bolza

Class actions are the next battleground following Thursday’s Federal Court ruling that the government owes a duty of care to protect children from the risks of climate change, according to a number of legal experts.

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Court scuttles Adani’s water plans for Carmichael coal mine
Energy & Natural Resources 2021-05-25 5:27 pm By Christine Caulfield

Adani’s controversial Carmichael coal mine in Queensland has hit another potential snag, with the Federal Court on Tuesday sending the company’s moves to pump 12.5 billion litres of water a year from the Suttor River back to square one.

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