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Wright Prospecting heirs mull costs order against brother’s litigation funder
Energy & Natural Resources 2025-02-13 11:58 pm By Sam Matthews

The heirs of iron ore magnate Peter Wright have won a bid to haul their brother Julian to court to question him about the identity of the funder who backed his unsuccessful case against them in a dispute over their father’s estate.

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Mills Oakley in court over settlement deed at centre of siblings’ feud
Professional Negligence 2024-12-09 11:16 pm By Andy Sidler

A former Mills Oakley client has taken legal action against the law firm after an agreement drafted by a partner to settle an estate dispute was found to be void.

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Richard Pratt’s daughter gets second shot at slice of family fortune
Estates 2024-10-16 11:38 pm By Andy Sidler

A daughter of the late Visy tycoon Richard Pratt has won another shot at a piece of the multi-billion-dollar family fortune.

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‘Dispute can’t continue’: Judge rejects law firm’s delay bid in costs dispute with client
Business of Law 2024-07-22 11:14 pm By Christine Caulfield

A judge has rejected a Sydney law firm’s bid for an adjournment in a costs dispute with a former client, saying the spat “cannot be permitted to continue”.

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Time to end this ‘sorry business’: Court tosses objection to EY settlement
Professional Negligence 2023-07-03 4:08 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A court has blessed a trust’s settlement with Ernst & Young that resolves a negligence case linked to a decade-long tax dispute that went to the High Court, rejecting an objection to the deal and saying it was “time this matter was brought to a conclusion”.

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Ken Talbot’s widow wanted to ‘destroy’ law firm, court says
Professional Negligence 2023-03-14 1:20 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The wife of the late mining executive Ken Talbot wanted to “destroy” the law firm that advised her husband about his will, a court has found in awarding costs against the widow.

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Arnold Bloch Leibler defeats negligence case over handling of Ken Talbot’s estate
Professional Negligence 2023-02-06 4:56 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The widow of mining executive Ken Talbot has lost a case alleging law firms Arnold Bloch Leibler and Boyd Legal mishandled her late husband’s estate after a judge found she had a “stated intention to destroy” the estate lawyer.

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Estate of iconic restaurateur Giovanna Toppi loses battle with landlord over $1.1M loan
Estates 2022-11-10 4:06 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has ordered the estate of Giovanna Toppi to pay money owing to a landlord under a $1.1 million loan after refusing to find the iconic Sydney restaurateur was the victim of wrongdoing by her daughter, Paola.

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Family who forged will of ‘worst landlord’ still at loggerheads over properties
Estates 2022-07-21 10:33 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge has flagged the “regrettable” prospect of further litigation in relation the estate of  Melbourne businessman Frank Cassar, following a finding that Cassar’s will was forged in a conspiracy by his widow, daughter and son who feared losing his multimillion-dollar business empire after his death.

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Court greenlights $600,000 settlement in class action by members of ‘The Family’
Class Actions 2022-03-29 4:07 pm By Miklos Bolza

A court has signed off on a $600,000 settlement in a class action brought by former members of cult group ‘The Family’ over historical allegations of abuse and torture, including $400,000 for the law firm that ran the litigation.

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