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Lesbian group seeks OK from Full Court to discriminate against trans women
Human Rights 2025-03-28 1:55 pm By Sam Matthews

A lesbian group is challenging the rejection of its bid to be exempt from anti-discrimination laws in order to bar trans women from its events, and wants the appeal heard by the same judges hearing a similar case.

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Landmark High Court ruling won’t open floodgates to native title compensation claims
Analysis 2025-03-25 11:02 pm By Sam Matthews

A recent High Court decision which found the federal government must compensate Indigenous people in the Northern Territory over past mining operations has significant implications for the government’s liability to pay up for historical acts affecting native title, but experts say the decision is unlikely to unleash a torrent of similar claims.

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Melbourne Symphony Orchestra slams pianist’s ‘fundamentally misconceived’ case
Employment 2025-03-17 11:51 pm By Andy Sidler

The Melbourne Symphony Orchestra has told a court that Jayson Gillham’s suit over a recital that was scuppered over critical Gaza comments should be tossed because the pianist was not an employee.

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In landmark win for native title rights, High Court finds acquisition of property must be on ‘just terms’
High Court 2025-03-12 11:22 pm By Sam Matthews

In a landmark ruling, the High Court has held the federal government must compensate Indigenous people in north-east Arnhem Land for mining operations, finding the government cannot escape its constitutional obligation to acquire property on ‘just terms’. The Commonwealth challenged a May 2023 Full Court decision finding it must compensate the Gumatj Clan or Estate…

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Constitutional law silk joins Federal Court bench
Courts 2025-03-07 2:19 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Constitutional and migration law silk Graeme Hill SC has been appointed as a new judge on the Federal Court. 

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HWL Ebsworth ex-partner asks High Court to overturn age-related expulsion
High Court 2025-02-27 2:54 pm By Sam Matthews

A former capital partner of HWL Ebsworth wants the High Court to overturn a finding that he was validly expelled from the partnership, arguing the firm’s conduct breached the Equal Opportunity Act.

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All judges immune from civil suits for judicial actions, High Court says
Courts 2025-02-12 11:26 am By Sam Matthews

The High Court has overturned a controversial decision that put a judge on the hook for a man’s false imprisonment, finding that all judges are immune from civil suits for acts done in the performance of their judicial duties.

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Trans woman wants damages upped in ongoing fight with female-only app
Discrimination 2025-02-12 11:32 pm By Julia Kanapathippillai

A trans woman who won her discrimination case against the Giggle for Girls app and its CEO Sal Grover has launched a cross-appeal against the landmark decision.

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Child removal class action members ‘not counters in a procedural game’, court told
Class Actions 2025-02-07 3:46 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The Queensland government has been slammed for delays in two class actions over the removal of Indigenous children, while the state pushes to strike out claims at the heart of the case. 

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Dovetail lawyer says CEO assaulted her during ‘coercive’ relationship
Employment 2025-02-06 11:42 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Dovetail’s legal counsel has accused the start-up’s boss of sexually assaulting her during a coercive relationship and claims the head of HR failed to support her and advised “not to shit where you eat”.

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