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Tweet labelling Peter Dutton a ‘rape apologist’ was fair comment, says refugee activist
Defamation 2021-06-02 10:07 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A refugee activist has hit back at a defamation lawsuit brought by Peter Dutton over a tweet calling the defence minister a ā€œrape apologistā€, saying it was fair comment on Duttonā€™s response to the issue of sexual violence in Australia and offshore detention centres.

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Lawyers who accused Vic Supreme Court of bias dodge contempt finding
Legal Ethics 2021-05-31 6:55 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A barrister and solicitor who accused the Victoria Supreme Court of bias have avoided a contempt of court ruling, despite a judge finding their conduct ā€œfell short of the standards of competence and diligenceā€ expected of lawyers.

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FWO secures first penalties under serious contraventions laws for ‘repeat offender’
Immigration 2020-11-16 3:57 pm By Spencer Fowler Steen

The Fair Work Ombudsman has secured its first penalties under ‘serious contraventions’ provisions of the Fair Work Act, seeing a recidivist former Hanā€™s CafĆ© franchisee in Perth and general manager slapped with $230,000 in fines for the”cavalier” and “entirely unacceptable” underpayment of vulnerable, young migrant workers.

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Judge criticised for ‘professional discourtesy’ after 75-day delay in publishing ruling
Immigration 2019-03-26 8:31 pm By Miklos Bolza

A Federal Court judge has criticised a Federal Circuit Court judge for the “professional discourtesy” he showed in his treatment of an Iranian refugee’s case, including delaying publication of judgment for 75 days after delivering his reasons orally.

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