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Lights out on Hanhwa’s solar cell patent infringement suit
Intellectual Property 2023-09-01 11:57 pm By Christine Caulfield

A solar cell patent at the heart of intellectual property litigation brought by South Korean technology giant Hanwha has been found invalid.

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Government brings $325M High Court challenge over generic Plavix ban
High Court 2023-08-31 4:18 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A 16-year battle between the federal government and drug maker Sanofi-Aventis over an allegedly unjustified court order that prevented the release of a generic version of blockbuster blood-thinner Plavix has gone to the High Court.

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Energy Beverages wins fight over Kangaroo Mother trade mark
Intellectual Property 2023-08-24 11:54 pm By Christine Caulfield

The maker of Mother energy drinks has won an appeal of an IP Australia decision, succeeding in its bid to prevent a Victoria-based company from registering Kangaroo Mother as a trade mark for beverages.

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Novartis can’t have separate trial on blood pressure drug invalidity claim
Intellectual Property 2023-08-18 10:04 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Novartis has lost its bid to have Pharmacor’s claim that its patent for a blood pressure drug is invalid decided ahead of a main trial where the Swiss pharmaceutical giant will allege the generic drug maker is threatening to infringe its patent. 

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Block’s point-of-sale invention not patentable, IP Australia says
Intellectual Property 2023-08-14 11:20 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

IP Australia has rejected US fintech Block’s bid to patent a method for adjusting animations to enable a large volume of point of sale applications, finding the invention was a mere scheme that did not meet the manner of manufacture test for patentability.

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Coalition urges government to ‘show some leadership’ on AI regulation
Intellectual Property 2023-08-03 10:18 pm By Sam Matthews

A Coalition MP has urged the government to take action on the regulation of artificial intelligence, flagging “very significant” issues in the intellectual property sphere.

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Crumbs! Kraft loses opposition to Mars patent for chocolate flavour
Intellectual Property 2023-08-03 11:13 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

An IP Australia delegate has shot down Kraft’s opposition to a Mars patent for a less costly method for producing the distinct creaminess and flavour of crumb chocolate.

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UbiPark wins claim of unjustified litigation threats by patent owner
Intellectual Property 2023-08-03 3:11 pm By Christine Caulfield

After winning a rare injunction restraining the owners of a patent from threatening litigation, carparking technology company UbiPark has prevailed in its claim the threats — aimed at itself and its customers — were unjustified.

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Monster Energy’s security for costs bid ‘manifestly excessive’, judge says
Intellectual Property 2023-07-28 2:40 pm By Christine Caulfield

The security sum sought by Monster Energy from an inventor suing the beverage giant for patent infringement was “manifestly excessive”, a judge has said, and was based on an estimate of costs that included the fees of three solicitors and two barristers at an interlocutory hearing.

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Peloton resolves trade mark case against Mad Dogg on eve of trial
Intellectual Property 2023-07-26 4:26 pm By Christine Caulfield

Just days before trial, exercise bike giant Peloton Interactive has dropped its lawsuit against California fitness company Mad Dogg Athletics that sought removal of Mad Dogg’s ‘spinning’ trade mark.

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