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Shine confident it can defend shareholder class action
Securities 2018-03-01 7:19 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Publicly traded law firm Shine Lawyers has assured investors it can wage a successful defence against a $250 million class action claiming the firm misled shareholders about the value of ongoing business activities.

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Online course stole US company’s copyright, judge says
Intellectual Property 2018-02-28 8:52 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A judge ruled Wednesday that online educator TalentMed violated the copyright of educational materials prep company Career Step when it “cut corners” and lifted text to create a competing course.

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Reckitt Benckiser to feel pain of GSK’s costs in Nurofen case
Competition & Consumer Protection 2018-02-28 3:47 pm By Christine Caulfield

Reckitt Benckiser has been ordered to pay all of GlaxoSmithKline’s legal bill after a judge found the drug giant misled consumers with claims that Nurofen was a more effective pain killer than its rival’s Panadol.

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ACCC ready to tackle competition in finance sector
Financial Services 2018-02-28 2:09 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission said it is well positioned to investigate competition in the financial sector, in response to a recent report calling for a dedicated financial services competition regulator.

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Takata airbag class actions to balloon following mandatory recall
Class Actions 2018-02-28 10:49 am By Cat Fredenburgh

The class actions against car companies over defective Takata airbags are expected to dramatically grow after the first-of-its-kind mandatory recall announced by the government Wednesday.

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Drink, drugs & a dodgy investigation can’t save a coal miner’s job
Employment 2018-02-28 9:28 am By Christine Caulfield

Alcohol, anti-depressants and the common use of bad language at the Illawarra coal mine did not excuse a sacked miner’s threatening and expletive-laced phone calls to colleagues, the full Fair Work Commission has found.

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FWC tosses Qantas appeal over worker classification
Employment 2018-02-28 7:54 am By Cat Fredenburgh

Qantas Ground Services has lost its challenge to the Full Fair Work Commission in a dispute with the Transport Workers Union over the classification of the company’s commissionaires, a small group of employees who transport disabled and elderly passengers between terminals.

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ACCC to review $2B Sydney toll road deal
Transportation & Infrastructure 2018-02-27 8:17 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission will review the proposed $2 billion acquisition of Sydney’s WestConnex toll road by the Sydney Transport Partners Consortium for potential competition concerns.

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Slater & Gordon auditor denies blame for investors’ loss
Securities 2018-02-27 7:59 pm By Christine Caulfield

Auditing firm Pitcher Partners has filed its defence in a class action accusing it of wrongly signing off on Slater & Gordon’s financial reports, denying responsibility for alleged material misstatements that investors say they relied on to their detriment.

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Netgear settles with ACCC over misleading warranties
Competition & Consumer Protection 2018-02-27 1:31 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Netgear will provide refunds after misleading customers about remedies available to them on purchasing faulty products, another win for the ACCC even as the consumer regulator fights a recent court ruling over the extent of companies’ remedy disclosure obligations.

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