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Block’s mobile payment method not patentable, says IP Australia
Fintech 2023-05-16 12:14 pm By Sam Matthews

IP Australia has rejected an application by US technology company Block to patent a mobile payment method, saying it does not describe a manner of manufacture — the threshold requirement tripping up many claimed computer-implemented inventions.

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In decades-long fight over coal seam gas fields, Tri-Star loses referee bid
Energy & Natural Resources 2023-05-16 3:55 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Texas oil giant Tri-Star has lost its bid for a referral in a dispute with natural gas exporter Australia Pacific LNG over several coal seam gas fields in Queensland and $7.6 billion in share acquisitions.

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Are the courts really plagued by duplicative class actions?
Analysis 2023-05-15 12:39 pm By Christine Caulfield

A fed-up judge has vented his frustration with the problem of competing class actions in a move that appears to punish the second filed case against Medibank. But is he right that the courts are increasingly being asked to deal with duplicative proceedings? And was his order really all that drastic?

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PFAS class action settles for $132.7M on eve of trial
Catherine Gleeson 2023-05-15 10:44 am By Cindy Cameronne

One of the two remaining class actions against the Department of Defence over the use of alleged toxic firefighting foam at military bases across the country has settled for $132.7 million on the eve of trial, with the final case going back to mediation.

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More law firms ready class actions over Downer’s $40M earnings overstatement
Class Actions 2023-05-15 3:49 pm By Christine Caulfield

More class action law firms have pounced on Downer EDI’s “accounting irregularities” that led to the company overstating profits by up to $40 million.

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Directed Electronics wins $3.27M in Hanhwa trade secrets case, with damages still to come
Intellectual Property 2023-05-15 2:09 pm By Sam Matthews

Automotive electronics company Directed Electronics is set to claw back $3.27 million in commission payments made to a former manager through a secret side agreement with South Korean giant Hanhwa, with a ruling on damages still to come in the five-year case.

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PwC appoints Ziggy Switkowski to investigate tax leaks scandal
Investigation 2023-05-15 11:01 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

PricewaterhouseCoopers has appointed former Telstra CEO Ziggy Switkowski to investigate the tax leaks scandal that has engulfed the firm.

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NextEra sues Spain in Australia to enforce $472M arbitration award
Arbitration 2023-05-15 4:12 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A Dutch renewable energy company has brought proceedings in the Federal Court to enforce a $472 million arbitration award against Spain over changes to its energy policies, after the country lost a similar case in the High Court. 

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‘Plagued with competing class actions’: Judge stays latecomer Medibank case for now
Class Actions 2023-05-12 1:26 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge aggrieved by the “plague” of competing class actions in the courts has temporarily stayed a second data breach class action against Medibank, and directed the health insurer to ask the privacy commissioner to drop the investigation of a third case.

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‘Not fit for purpose’: Court’s remarks on serious harm test show flaws in defamation law
Analysis 2023-05-12 4:14 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A recent decision by the Federal Court that questioned whether the introduction of a serious harm test in defamation law could infringe the Judiciary Act has shone a light on the need for a federal defamation framework, legal experts say. 

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