The owners of One Central Park in Sydney have struck a deal with the NSW government for more time to replace its Aluminium Composite Panel cladding, which has been largely banned due to fire risk.
A judge has struck out engineering firm Destec’s claim that an ex-director used confidential information in developing an ore transport system for MinRes, but has given it a chance to replead.
The Fair Work Commission has issued an interim order to suspend industrial action ahead of a hearing in action by the NSW government that aims to shut down the latest work ban.
A tribunal has recommended a Melbourne lawyer be removed from the roll, despite his undertaking not to reapply for a practicing certificate, finding he showed no remorse for threatening a witness.
A bid by women’s clothing brand Staple & Hue to register its brand name as a trade mark has been successfully challenged by rival label Mink Pink.
A creditor of defunct forestry giant Gunns Plantations has filed a High Court challenge after it didn’t pay the company a $1.2 million judgment that confirmed the peak indebtedness rule does not apply in insolvency law.
Barrister Charles Waterstreet has been reprimanded and banned from practising for one year after he was found guilty of unsatisfactory professional conduct for harassing three women.
Virgin Airlines has lost its appeal of a Fair Work Commission ruling that reinstated a flight attendant who was dismissed for drinking a glass of prosecco 7.5 hours before a flight.
Mattel has mostly won its challenge to a Shanghai-based toy company’s bid to trade mark ‘Blokees’, which the US toy giant argued was deceptively similar to its popular Blokus board game.
An environmental group has dropped its court fight over the expansion of the New Acland coal mine in Queensland, saying the case — which went to the High Court — had taken a heavy financial toll.