Online florist Meg’s Flowers has been hit with a $1 million penalty for falsely claiming on websites and online ads that it was a local florist.
A former referee who accused the NRL of unfair dismissal has lost a second appeal against a Fair Work Commission decision that found he was not sacked.
A NSW Supreme Court judge has hinted there may be changes to a new practice note on the use AI in court proceedings, following complaints about how it applies to discovery and expert evidence.
Engineering firm Destec has lost its bid to throw out a trade secrets case by Mineral Resources, with a judge giving the mining giant another chance to particularise its claims.
Mineral Resources and boss Chris Ellison have been hit with a $600,000 suit by a former company lawyer who says she was fired to keep her from making whistleblower disclosures.
Gold miner Evolution Mining faces a class action over alleged disclosure failures in relation to its Canadian operations.
Indian drug maker Cipla has lost a challenge to the extension of Novo Nordisk’s patent for Victoza, with a judge rejecting an argument that extensions can be granted only for active ingredients.
A jury has found former Vocus Group chair Vaughan Bowen not guilty of insider trading — the second time Bowen has dodged the charges.
A judge has refused a bid to expand the group membership in an underpayments class action against discount retailer The Reject Shop, saying it was based on a misconceived premise.
Senior counsel for two former Super Retail executives has withdrawn on the final day of a hearing in the case, saying it was against his conscience to continue acting.