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Maddocks lures leading competition lawyer from Johnson Winter Slattery
Competition & Consumer Protection 2024-12-03 5:49 pm By Julia Kanapathippillai

Maddocks has recruited a competition law specialist from Johnson Winter Slattery as a new partner in its corporate and commerical practice.

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Solve My Debt Now to admit liability in ASIC proceedings
Financial Services 2024-12-03 11:43 pm By Andy Sidler

Debt management business Solve My Debt Now will admit liability in action by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission alleging customers were worse off after using its services. 

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Class action against NAB super fund trustee fails
Class Actions 2024-12-02 11:24 pm By Christine Caulfield

A class action against NAB unit NULIS Nominees over adviser fees charged to superannuation fund members should be dismissed, a judge has found.

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AI rules to guard against ‘laziness’ in legal profession, top judge says
AI 2024-12-02 11:55 pm By Andy Sidler

A new practice note prohibiting the use of AI in certain circumstances is needed to guard against “laziness” in the legal profession, says NSW Supreme Court Chief Justice Andrew Bell.

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$272M settlement approved in Uber class actions
Class Actions 2024-12-02 10:25 am By Cindy Cameronne

The judge overseeing class actions against Uber has approved a $271.8 million settlement, which includes an $82 million deduction for the funder and $39 million for the firm that ran the cases.

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Class action must front $2.9M to keep Fogo Brazilia case afloat
Franchises 2024-12-02 12:17 pm By Andy Sidler

A class action against Fogo Brazilia and its law firm will be shut down if the lead franchisee fails to find $2.9 million in security for the restaurant chain’s costs.

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Mayor loses defamation case over Facebook post calling him a ‘crim’
Defamation 2024-12-02 4:05 pm By Julia Kanapathippillai

A defamation case over Facebook comments that described the Liverpool City Council mayor as a “grub” and a “crim” has been tossed for failing to pass the serious harm test.

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Alemais owners lose bid to convert historic Paddington pub
Real Estate 2024-12-05 1:55 am By Sam Matthews

The owners of Australian fashion label Alemais have lost their bid to flip a historic Paddington pub into a retail shopfront, with a court accepting evidence about the pub’s contribution to Sydney’s “social fabric”.

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ACCC to target tech companies under proposed new rules
Competition & Consumer Protection 2024-12-02 11:16 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The Albanese government has backed recommendations that would give the ACCC increased power to target anti-competitive conduct by tech companies.

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High Court asked to decide when a judge’s copying and pasting crosses a line
Courts 2024-11-29 11:22 pm By Sam Matthews

The High Court has been asked to weigh in on when a judge’s copying and pasting from submissions in a judgment crosses a line, a critical issue given the “systemic issues of resourcing” in Australian courts.

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