Self-described property ‘mogul’ Sasha Hopkins has agreed to pay a $1.25 million fine and face a four-year disqualification in proceedings by the corporate regulator.
A judge has questioned whether a Jarryd Hayne supporter who won a $35,000 defamation judgment against Seven should tie the court’s resources up in an appeal.
A transaction tax specialist from Allens is the latest partner to join Herbert Smith Freehills’ growing national tax practice.
A promised overhaul of the Privacy Act has begun with reforms that make doxxing a crime and could see businesses face new claims, including class actions, for serious invasions of privacy.
Corporate Australia is increasingly concerned about class actions, with privacy and data breach claims topping their worry list, according to a new report.
The families of victims of a Hunter Valley, NSW bus accident have brought a class action following a court’s sentencing of the driver responsible for the fatal crash in June last year.
The corruption watchdog has issued a statement in response to reports suggesting ex-ASIC official Karen Chester faced an investigation, saying the deputy chair was never the subject of a probe.
AMP’s former head of advice has settled defamation proceedings over a story in The Australian that suggested he misled ASIC during the banking royal commission.
Trial in a shareholder class action against Boral has been halted amid an appeal over a decision to allow questioning of former CEO Michael Kane about an email that mentioned a confidential EY report.
A judge has awarded Independent Sydney MP Alex Greenwich $140,000 in his defamation case against former NSW One Nation leader Mark Latham over a homophobic tweet found likely to cause “serious harm” to his reputation.