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DLA Piper recruits leading restructuring partner for Melbourne office
Restructuring & Insolvency 2020-07-29 2:27 pm By Christine Caulfield

Global law firm DLA Piper has boosted its restructuring practice with the hire of former Ashurst partner Lionel Meehan for its Melbourne team, the firm’s fourth new hire in recent months.

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AMP hit with class action by financial planners
Financial Services 2020-07-29 12:54 pm By Christine Caulfield

AMP has been hit with a cliass action by a group of financial planners over changes to its buyer of last resort policy last year, which cut the number of authoried advisers and retreated from a promise to buy back their businesses at a price based on a set multiple.

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Funderā€™s fees put in context
Opinion 2020-07-29 10:20 am By Cat Fredenburgh

The Murray Goulburn class action has been cited repeatedly in the current parliamentary inquiry into class actions and litigation funding. For some, the return generated by Omni Bridgeway, which funded the action, is Exhibit A in the case that litigation funders make too much money. To others ā€“ including the one person in the best position to judge ā€“ it is nothing of the sort, says Clive Bowman of Omni Bridgeway.

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Banksia class action was ‘party like no other’ for Mark Elliott and barristers, court told
Class Actions 2020-07-28 11:00 pm By Alison Eveleigh

The funder and legal team behind a class action over the collapse of Banksia Securities billed for phantom costs in a ā€œfraudulent schemeā€ to secure almost $20 million from the case, the contradictor investigating the purported misconduct has told a court.

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Investment scheme wound up after ‘systematic misappropriation’ of $7M in funds
Restructuring & Insolvency 2020-07-28 9:49 pm By Miklos Bolza

A court has granted ASIC’s bid to wind up an illegal managed investment scheme whose operators fled to India following the “systematic misappropriation” of almost $7 million in investor funds.

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Telstra sues Optus over ‘more than ever before’ ad campaign
Competition & Consumer Protection 2020-07-28 5:08 pm By Miklos Bolza

Telstra has filed a lawsuit accusing Singtel Optus of breaching the Australia Consumer Law through ads that claim it is “covering more of Australia than ever before”.

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Romeo’s hit with underpayments class action
Employment 2020-07-28 2:42 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Supermarket chain Romeo’s has become the latest retailer to face a class action alleging it failed to pay staff for all hours worked.

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Westpac’s anti-money laundering woes worsen
Financial Services 2020-07-28 1:37 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Westpac anti-money laundering compliance troubles continue to worsen, with the bank reporting an additional 365,000 incomplete or inaccurate threshold transaction reports to AUSTRAC.

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Lawyer loses sexual harassment appeal after urging court to just think of him as ‘Mr Darcy’
Employment 2020-07-27 11:07 pm By Christine Caulfield

A lawyer who argued his conduct towards a paralegal was not sexual harassment but a display of ardent affection akin to ‘Mr Darcy’ in ‘Pride and Prejudice’ has lost his appeal of a $170,000 judgment against him, with the Full Federal Court saying the case was “as far from a Jane Austen novel as it is possible to be”.

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Funder behind Fair Work class actions a ‘litigation bounty hunter’, Full Court hears
Employment 2020-07-27 9:13 pm By Miklos Bolza

Facing accusations of being a “litigation bounty hunter”, litigation funder Augusta Ventures has made its bid before the Full Federal Court to overturn a landmark ruling which put it on the hook for $3.1 million in security in two Fair Work class actions.

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