Google has been ordered to pay Melbourne gangland lawyer George Defteros $40,000 after it was found to have defamed him by publishing a link to an article that implied he had “crossed the already blurred line” between being a criminal solicitor and being a confidant to his underworld clients.
The top judge of the Federal Court plans to clear the schedules of three judges at the start of next year so they can hear and decide Johnson & Johnson’s challenge of a class action ruling that found its pelvic mesh devices were defective and awarded the lead applicants $2.6 million in damages.
Global winemaker and distributor Treasury Wine Estates has been hit with a second class action over an earnings downgrade made in January this year, setting the stage for a possible fight between the law firms leading the proceedings.
Responding to a judge’s criticism that he had been “fobbed off” about how many PFAS class actions it expected to file, Shine Lawyers has said it has no current plans to bring more cases against the Department of Defence over the toxic foam.
Maurice Blackburnâs shareholder class action against AMP should be put on ice until the High Court decides whether a ruling in last year’s beauty parade awarding the firm carriage of the matter was decided in error, a court has heard.
The identity of a Big Six partner to whom a former AMP lawyer allegedly criticised her superior has been revealed in court during a heated exchange between the barristers in the unfair dismissal proceeding.
Investigations by ASIC led to prosecutors laying 279 criminal charges in the last six months of 2019, an increase of 300 percent on the previous six months, the corporate watchdog’s latest report reveals.
A property developer facing a class action over a residential complex in Canberra has asked a court to reopen a hearing that resulted in a finding that it misled the lead applicant about the GST payable on her unit and awarded her $23,400 in compensation.
The Fair Work Commission has lavished praise on a Herbert Smith Freehills lawyer for his persuasive advocacy skills in representing transport company Greyhound in unfair dismissal proceedings.
The Queensland government is seeking court orders that put dam operators Seqwater and Sunwater on the hook for the vast majority of damages after a class action judgment found negligence in the lead up to the state’s 2011 floods that destroyed 2,000 homes.