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Full Federal Court declines to clarify standard for patentability of computer-implemented inventions
Intellectual Property 2019-09-13 10:05 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A five-judge panel of the Full Federal Court has found two innovation patents by financial software company Encompass Corp. are not a manner of manufacture, but held back on providing more clarity on the test for the patentability of computer-implemented inventions.

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Judge signs off on contested common fund bid in $1B IAG insurance class action
Class Actions 2019-09-13 9:02 pm By Christine Caulfield

A judge has approved a common fund application in a class action against two IAG entities over add-on insurance said to be worth up to $1 billion, saying it was only fair to make all group members pay to fund the litigation.

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‘Must be April Fool’s day’: judge slams 120 common questions ‘joke’ in botched breast implant class action
Class Actions 2019-09-13 8:05 pm By Amelia Birnie

The judge overseeing a class action against The Cosmetic Institute over allegedly botched breast enhancement surgery has queried whether the plaintiffs were playing an “April Fool’s joke” after they proposed a list of 120 common questions for determination.

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Litigation funding agreements legal in Queensland class actions, court says
Class Actions 2019-09-13 7:27 pm By Miklos Bolza

The Queensland Supreme Court has upheld the legality of litigation funding agreements in a landmark class action judgment that could have a ripple effect across other states in Australia.

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Contractors file $78M class action against NAB, Walton Construction
Class Actions 2019-09-13 4:08 pm By Miklos Bolza

A group of contractors have launched a $78 million class action against National Australia Bank, two insolvent units of Waltons Australia and the company’s director, seeking compensation for unpaid work done prior to the company’s collapse.

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Pan Macmillan settles crime book defamation case for $100,000 after defence struck out
Defamation 2019-09-13 2:17 pm By Miklos Bolza

Publisher Pan Macmillan and nightclub magnate John Ibrahim have reached a $100,000 settlement in a defamation case brought by Sydney identity Thomas Domican over what a judge called a “fleeting reference” in Ibrahim’s autobiography.

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‘The truth will prevail’: activist short seller Bonitas welcomes Rural Funds legal action
Securities 2019-09-13 1:59 pm By Amelia Birnie

Activist US short seller Bonitas Research has welcomed legal action filed against it by agricultural fund manager Rural Funds Group as a chance for “investors to know the truth”, while also doubling down on the accusations of fraud at the centre of the case that sent the group’s share price plummeting.

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Sportsbet wants BetEasy trade marks removed for non-use
Intellectual Property 2019-09-12 5:45 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Bookmaker Sportsbet has expanded its case over rival BetEasy’s attempts to operate under the ‘Sportingbet’ trade mark, arguing its marks should be revoked for non-use.

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Walton liquidators target restructuring group that helped director avoid $18M in debt obligations
Restructuring & Insolvency 2019-09-12 5:21 pm By Miklos Bolza

The liquidators of failed construction company Walton Construction are seeking to reinstate and then wind up a unit of restructuring advisory firm Mawson Group, which was hired to extricate Walton from $18.8 million in debts with National Australia Bank prior to its collapse.

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3A Composites issues ultimatum in combustible cladding class action
Class Actions 2019-09-12 3:11 pm By Miklos Bolza

German-based 3A Composites has issued an ultimatum in the high-stakes combustible cladding class action against it, saying it will try to shut down the matter as a representative proceeding if group member registration and opt out are not initiated.

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