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Jardine Lloyd Thompson hit with second class action over excessive premiums
Insurance 2019-09-03 9:13 pm By Christine Caulfield

Insurance broker Jardine Lloyd Thompson is facing a second class action on behalf of local councils claiming it charged inflated premiums.

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Zoetis loses challenge over security for costs in horse vaccine class action
Class Actions 2019-09-03 2:57 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The Full Federal Court has shot down a challenge to a ruling denying horse vaccine maker Zoetis’ application for security for costs in an unfunded class action brought on behalf of horse owners alleging the company failed to warn about the potential side effects of the Hendra virus vaccine.

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ACCC says Medibank misled consumers about policy benefits
Insurance 2019-09-03 10:45 am By Christine Caulfield

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has taken private health insurer Medibank to court for falsely telling consumers they were not eligible for certain coverage under their insurance policies, with over 800 policy holders denied coverage for joint investigation or reconstruction procedures.

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Radio Rentals, AIG to pay $29M to settle ‘Rent, Try, Buy’ class action
Class Actions 2019-09-03 10:43 am By Christine Caulfield

Radio Rentals and its insurer, AIG, have reached a $29 million settlement in a consumer class action alleging the company pushed misleading ‘Rent, Try, $1 Buy’ leases onto vulnerable customers.

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De-banking poses threat to foreign exchange competition, ACCC says
Competition & Consumer Protection 2019-09-02 11:46 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has warned it could take enforcement action if its finds banks are misleading customers about foreign exchanges fees and warned banks’ use of their compliance obligations to deny banking services to their non-bank competitors could constrain competition in the market for foreign exchange services.

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Cross-border cooperation: Federal Court considers ‘classic candidate’ for coordination with High Court of New Zealand
Expert Insights 2019-09-02 10:09 pm By Editor

A recent Federal Court decision means cooperation between courts in different international jurisdictions, which would once have been regarded as entirely novel, may now be a welcome option for liquidators to achieve a more efficient liquidation of insolvent corporate groups, writes K&L Gates’ Jason Opperman, Katherine Smith and Catherine Crawford.

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Radio Rentals, AIG ‘very close’ to settling consumer class action, court hears
Class Actions 2019-09-02 9:29 pm By Miklos Bolza

A consumer class action against Radio Rentals over its ‘Rent, Try, $1 Buy’ scheme is “very close” to settling, a court heard Monday, with just a few more days required to negotiate a final agreement.

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Aristocrat goes head to head with IP Australia over patentability of slot machine
Intellectual Property 2019-09-02 9:25 pm By Miklos Bolza

Gaming giant Aristocrat Technologies told a court that if its Lightning Link slot machine was a physical game there would be no doubt about its patentability, as trial kicked off Monday in another case that is pushing back on IP Australia’s stance on the patentability of computer-implemented inventions.

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Delegate slams door on REA Group’s home loans trade mark
Intellectual Property 2019-09-02 8:22 pm By Miklos Bolza

A mortgage broker has successfully opposed REA Group’s application to trade mark “ Home Loans”, with a delegate finding the mark is not adapted to distinguish REA’s online services.

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Family of Australian killed aboard Malaysia Airlines flight shut out of class action settlement
Class Actions 2019-09-02 5:03 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The family of an Australian national who was killed aboard Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 is not eligible to participate in a recent class action settlement, a judge has ruled.

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