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Third judge in Norton Rose ex-partner dispute refuses to step down amid accusations of ‘absurdly obtuse’ bias
Employment 2019-08-29 9:39 pm By Amelia Birnie

The third judge assigned to oversee a lawsuit filed against law firm Norton Rose Fulbright by a former partner has refused to recuse himself on the grounds of apprehended bias, despite being accused of behaviour that was “grossly disrespectful”, “absurdly obtuse” and “fundamentally lacking in logic”.

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Shine faces battle to keep WorleyParsons class action alive
Class Actions 2019-08-29 9:30 pm By Miklos Bolza

Engineering firm WorleyParsons has told the Federal Court it will press forward with a no case application in an attempt to shut down a shareholder class action against it.

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Pan Macmillan’s ‘tenuous’ defence struck out in defamation suit over Kings Cross crime book
Article 2019-08-29 12:56 pm By Miklos Bolza

The Federal Court has partially struck out publisher Pan Macmillan Australia’s defence in a defamation case brought by Sydney identity Thomas Domican over a “fleeting reference” in a book by nightclub magnate John Ibrahim.

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Norwegian shipping company to plead guilty to criminal cartel charge
Competition & Consumer Protection 2019-08-29 11:10 am By Miklos Bolza

One month after Japanese shipping company K-Line was hit with a $34.5 million fine for cartel conduct, Norwegian shipping firm Wallenius Wilhelmsen Ocean AS has said it will plead guilty to one charge of criminal cartel conduct for its role in the same scheme.

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Geoffrey Rush loses bid to muzzle publisher in defamation case
Defamation 2019-08-28 10:15 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Actor Geoffrey Rush has come up short in his bid for an injunction blocking The Daily Telegraph from repeating allegations in the successful defamation case he brought against the publisher, with a judge citing the public interest in free speech and the lack of foundation for the actor’s concerns.

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Holding Redlich defends managing partner in face of cover-up claims by ALP boss
White Collar 2019-08-28 9:45 pm By Christine Caulfield

Law firm Holding Redlich has defended national managing partner Ian Robertson against allegations by NSW Labor Party general secretary Kaila Murnain that the lawyer advised her to keep quiet about a $100,000 illegal political donation.

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Bellamy’s interests protected without class action cost-capping, Full Court says
Appeals 2019-08-28 8:27 pm By Christine Caulfield

Concerns about duplicative costs in multiple class actions are better addressed by case management decisions aimed at cutting excessive expense, not by limiting the amount lawyers representing group members can spend, the Full Federal Court has said in dismissing an appeal by baby food maker Bellamy’s.

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Plutus conspirator gets 3 years behind bars for role in $105M ATO fraud scheme
White Collar 2019-08-28 8:00 pm By Miklos Bolza

Former Plutus Payroll general manager Joshua Kitson has been sentenced to at least three years in jail for his role in a conspiracy to defraud $105 million from the Australian Taxation Office.

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Cryosite wins $1M settlement over legal advice behind gun-jumping case
Competition & Consumer Protection 2019-08-28 7:11 pm By Amelia Birnie

Biotech company Cryosite has agreed to a $1 million settlement for losses resulting from legal advice received in relation to a merger agreement that left the company facing $1.05 million in penalties for engaging in cartel conduct.

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Activist short seller Bonitas to face ‘unprecedented’ legal action
Securities 2019-08-28 5:10 pm By Amelia Birnie

Agricultural fund manager Rural Funds Group has briefed a top-tier law firm to bring “unprecedented” legal action against US company Bonitas Research, after the activist short seller accused the group of fraud and sent its share price plummeting.

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