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Declassing orders must be ‘all or nothing’, court told in breast implants class action
Class Actions 2023-06-08 11:25 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A declassing bid by nine doctors in a class action on behalf of women allegedly injured by a one-size-fits-all approach to breast implant surgeries must apply to the entire proceeding, not just the claims against them, a court has heard.

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Maurice Blackburn client denied quick win in negligence suit against firm
Professional Negligence 2023-05-25 11:30 am By Sam Matthews

Maurice Blackburn has defeated a former client’s bid for summary judgment in an “unusual case” alleging the firm gave him bad advice concerning a personal injury claim against the state of Western Australia over assaults suffered in prison.

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‘Don’t even waste my time’: Judge trashes NSW’s bid for messages in music festival class action
Class Actions 2023-05-05 2:42 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has criticised a bid by the NSW government to access seven months of messages relating to drugs by the lead plaintiff in a class action over allegedly illegal strip searches at a Byron Bay music festival, saying they seemed “wholly irrelevant” to the case. 

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AFL great Gary Ablett Sr sues league, clubs over concussions
Personal injury 2023-04-18 11:22 pm By Christine Caulfield

Former AFL player Gary Ablett Sr is the latest footballer to launch legal action against the league over  injuries allegedly caused by multiple concussions sustained on the field.

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Essure contraceptive ‘safe and efficacious’, Bayer tells class action trial
Trials 2023-04-12 9:20 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Bayer told a jury that clinical trials from the 1990’s to 2014 showed its Essure birth control device was “safe and efficacious”, as the pharmaceutical giant faces trial in a class action by patients who claim they suffered debilitating injuries from the device.

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Bayer can’t dismiss Essure injuries as ‘common women’s symptoms’, class action trial told
Trials 2023-04-11 9:07 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Pharmaceutical giant Bayer cannot write off debilitating chronic pain and bleeding which patients allegedly experienced after being implanted with Essure contraceptives as “common women’s symptoms”, a court has heard in the first day of trial in a long-running class action.

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J&J knee implant class action member can claim damages despite WorkSafe payout
Class Actions 2023-03-24 5:25 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A group member in a class action against J&J unit Depuy International can receive compensation for out of pocket expenses associated with an alleged defective knee implant, despite having been paid by WorkSafe Victoria, a court has found.

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Second concussion class action filed by former AFL players
Class Actions 2023-03-20 4:06 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A second class action has been filed against the Australian Football League and four clubs on behalf of former players who allegedly suffered brain injuries after sustaining repeated concussions during games.

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With ‘hesitation’, judge OKs $300M settlement in J&J class actions
Personal injury 2023-03-16 9:54 am By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has approved a $300 million settlement in two pelvic mesh class actions against Johnson & Johnson and unit Ethicon — the largest settlement in the history of Australian product liability group proceedings — but a $100 million deduction for legal costs has yet to get the greenlight. 

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Boston Scientific’s $105M settlement approved in pelvic mesh class action
Class Actions 2023-03-16 10:11 am By Cindy Cameronne

Boston Scientific’s $105 million settlement of a class action over its pelvic mesh devices has secured court approval, but the costs billed by the law firm running the case will face further scrutiny.

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