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Class action over ‘cookie cutter’ legal advice says declassing application should wait
Class Actions 2024-11-18 11:33 pm By Andy Sidler

A class action alleging Knowmore Legal Service provided negligent ā€œcookie cutterā€ legal advice to sexual abuse survivors has argued a hearing on declassing and strike-out applications should be put on hold.

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Doctors can’t cut ACL claims from cosmetic surgery class action
Class Actions 2024-10-07 11:18 pm By Andy Sidler

A judge has signed off on the eighth version of a class action against Sydney doctor Daniel Lanzer and several of his associates over allegedly negligent cosmetic surgeries.

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Gadens may drag barristers into negligence case
Professional Negligence 2024-09-18 2:03 pm By Sam Matthews

Gadens may bring concurrent wrongdoer claims against counsel who acted in a case that’s at the centre of a negligence suit agains the firm.

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Maurice Blackburn, Nowicki Carbone’s potential negligence wins ex-client more time
Professional Negligence 2024-09-11 11:59 pm By Andy Sidler

An ex-worker at DVD manufacturer Technicolor has won more time to bring claims against her former employer, with a judge finding her 10-year delay was the result of potentially negligence by Nowicki Carbone and Maurice Blackburn.

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Class action over ā€˜cookie cutterā€™ legal advice faces declassing bid
Legal Ethics 2024-09-06 11:08 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The peak body for community legal centres has flagged a declassing application in a group proceeding alleging Knowmore Legal Service provided negligent, ā€œcookie cutterā€ advice to survivors of institutional child sexual abuse.Ā 

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HWL Ebsworth defeats client’s bid for High Court review in negligence case
Professional Negligence 2024-09-05 11:49 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The High Court has declined to grant special leave to a former HWL Ebsworth client seeking to revive a decision that found the law firm’s bad advice over property in Parramatta’s ‘Auto Alley’ cost it $2 million.

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Carnival denies Ruby Princess passenger had ‘horrible’ time on ill-fated cruise
Class Actions 2024-08-29 11:06 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Carnival PLC has denied that a passenger, whose husband contracted COVID-19 and had to be put on a ventilator, had a ā€œhorribleā€ time aboard the ill-fated Ruby Princess, in a class actionā€™s appeal of a finding that she was only entitled to $4,000 in damages.

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HWL Ebsworth client rejected $1.35M offer to settle negligence case
Professional Negligence 2024-08-19 11:43 pm By Cindy Cameronne

HWL Ebsworth has won indemnity costs against a former client who alleged the firm gave negligent advice over property in Parramattaā€™s ‘Auto Alley’, with a court saying the client was the ā€œauthor of the outcome about which it complainsā€ by rejecting a $1.35 million settlement offer.

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Class action by sexual abuse survivors accuses law firm of negligence
Class Actions 2024-07-23 11:09 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A class action has accused not for profit community legal service Knowmore Legal of breaching its duty of care and providing negligent advice to survivors of institutional child sexual abuse who settled their claims under the National Redress Scheme when they could have recovered more by taking their claims to court.

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Negligence case against Malouf Solicitors over ‘doomed to fail’ cases thrown out
Professional Negligence 2024-07-23 11:01 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A medical imaging company has lost its negligence case alleging Malouf Solicitors failed to advise it that its defences in District Court proceedings were doomed to fail, with a judge finding the companyā€™s executives were informed of the risks of defending the case.

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