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ASIC drags ex-Murray Goulburn execs to court
Securities 2019-06-25 2:18 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The former directors of Murray Goulburn, who admitted in proceedings brought by the ACCC to aiding in false representations the dairy co-op made to farmers about the farmgate milk prices it would pay during the 2015-16 season, are now facing a separate lawsuit by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.

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Murray Goulburn pays $42M to settle shareholder class action
Class Actions 2019-06-24 8:55 pm By Amelia Birnie

Dairy supplier Murray Goulburn has agreed to pay $42 million to settle one of two shareholder class actions over a 2016 profit forecast revision that sent the co-op’s unit price falling more than 40 per cent in five days. 

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Judge pauses ASIC case against ANZ over $2.5B share placement
Securities 2019-06-21 11:35 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

ANZ Bank has secured a stay of the corporate cop’s civil penalties proceeding over disclosures related to its $2.5 billion equity capital raising while it fights criminal cartel charges related to the controversial share placement.

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Competing law firms agree to join forces in BHP class action
Appeals 2019-06-21 10:33 pm By Christine Caulfield

Rival law firms Phi Finney McDonald and Maurice Blackburn have offered to consolidate their competing shareholder class actions against BHP after prompting by the Full Federal Court, which said Friday it approved of the plan.

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Quintis shareholders can choose which of two class actions is a better bet
Class Actions 2019-06-21 12:02 pm By Christine Caulfield

Shareholders of troubled sandalwood producer Quintis who are eligible group members in two consolidated class actions against the company can bet on which of the two cases will give them the best returns, if any, and the Federal Court has appointed an independent lawyer to help them make the choice.

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Quinn Emanuel files appeal after losing AMP class action contest
Appeals 2019-06-19 9:34 pm By Christine Caulfield

Law firm Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan has followed through on its threat to appeal a high stakes ruling that shut down its shareholder class action against AMP, along with two competing cases, after a two-day beauty parade that saw rival firm Maurice Blackburn take the prize.

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Retail Food Group faces potential franchise class action
Franchises 2019-06-18 8:25 pm By Christine Caulfield

Retail Food Group is the target of a possible class action by franchisees in the wake of a parliamentary report that called on three government agencies to probe the franchise giant and its top executives for potential insider trading, tax evasion and other unlawful conduct.

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Ernst & Young strikes back in Quintis class action
Class Actions 2019-06-14 9:42 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Ernst & Young, which has been named in a class action over its auditing of sandalwood producer Quintis, has filed cross-claims alleging Quintis should pick up the tab for any liability it may face in the proceedings.

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ASIC loses market manipulation case against NAB contractor Whitebox
Securities 2019-06-11 4:37 pm By Miklos Bolza

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has lost its market manipulation action against Whitebox Trading and its director Johannes Boshoff, with the court finding it was “practically impossible” that any of the trades at the centre of the case were made for an illegitimate purpose.

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Shareholder class action against Sirtex settles mid-trial
Trials 2019-06-06 10:47 pm By Christine Caulfield

Sirtex Medical has reached a mid-trial agreement to resolve a shareholder class action that centred on the biotech company’s sales forecasts of its radiation treatment.

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