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Rival law firms backpedal in deal over competing Commonwealth Bank class actions
Class Actions 2019-02-06 9:11 pm By Miklos Bolza

Law firms Maurice Blackburn and Phi Finney McDonald have stepped back from a proposed consolidation of their class actions against the Commonwealth Bank of Australia and want to run their own cases again, but now with “harmonised” pleadings.

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Class action threat hurt Boart Longyear scheme vote, judge says
Corporate 2019-02-06 9:02 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A judge has recommended another shareholder vote over Boart Longyear’s plan to move to Canada, saying a letter by a minority shareholder warning the move could imperil a possible class action against the distressed mining services company was misleading and affected the integrity of the vote.

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Deloitte continues fight to keep Hastie files secret after claiming partner made off with them
Class Actions 2019-02-04 7:56 pm By Christine Caulfield

Deloitte is challenging a judge’s ruling that certain partners not be excused from an order to produce files of the accounting giant’s audit work for Hastie Group to shareholders in a class action over the construction company’s collapse, its latest move after a failed attempt to persuade the judge that a rogue partner had taken the only copies of the files and refused to give them back.

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Boutique firm Phi Finney McDonald ’eminently qualified’ to run BHP class action, experts say
Analysis 2019-02-01 11:19 pm By Christine Caulfield

Class action experts have come to the defence of boutique law firm Phi Finney McDonald as heavyweight Maurice Blackburn appeals a judge’s ruling to choose the “less experienced” firm to lead a shareholder class action against BHP Billiton.

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Maurice Blackburn slings mud at ‘less experienced’ firm in BHP class action battle
Class Actions 2019-02-01 5:12 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Maurice Blackburn has criticised a judge’s decision to award carriage of a massive shareholder class action against BHP over the fatal collapse of a dam at its Brazilian mine to “less experienced” firm Phi Finney McDonald, lodging what is now the second high-stakes challenge to a ruling permanently staying a competing class action.

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The class action reform proposals experts can’t swallow
Analysis 2019-01-25 11:33 pm By Christine Caulfield

Lawyerly spoke to ten class action experts on the release of the Australian Law Reform Commission’s highly anticipated report into the class action regime. While many of the ALRC’s proposals were expected — and welcomed as sensible — others were greeted with concern and skepticism. Here, we look at the most controversial of the 24 recommendations.

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Class action giants to play nice in Brambles class actions
Class Actions 2019-01-24 12:56 pm By Christine Caulfield

Responding to a judge’s criticism of the class action “beauty parade”, two rival law firms have come up with a plan to deal with their competing shareholder class actions against Brambles.

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Clive Palmer can’t shut down ASIC’s criminal case over takeover law breaches
White Collar 2019-01-23 8:42 pm By Miklos Bolza

Clive Palmer has lost a fight to stay criminal proceedings alleging his company breached takeover laws, with a judge slamming the Queensland mining tycoon’s claims the charges were politically motivated and saying there was “nothing exceptional” to warrant interference from the court.

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Deep Investments’ case over $10M in share trading losses shut down
Financial Services 2019-01-22 1:32 pm By Miklos Bolza

An appeals court has shut down a case brought by investment adviser Deep Investments against a solicitor and six others over $10 million in alleged share trading losses, saying the proceedings were an abuse of process.

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Amazon had no obligation to use GetSwift’s services, class action claims
Class Actions 2019-01-21 10:48 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

GetSwift failed to disclose to investors that under an agreement announced with Amazon, the e-commerce giant had no obligation to use the logistics provider for any of its deliveries, according to new court documents filed in the shareholder class action against GetSwift and its founders.

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