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Showdown looms as BHP faces 3rd class action over Brazil mine disaster
Class Actions 2018-09-25 10:59 pm By Christine Caulfield

BHP Billiton has been hit with a third class action in Australia over the 2015 dam failure at its Samarco mine in Brazil, and the lead applicant in the latest case — one of the biggest pension funds in the US — has a lot at stake.

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Herbert Smith Freehills wins costs against United for ‘meritless’ IPO case
Securities 2018-09-25 9:18 pm By Christine Caulfield

Herbert Smith Freehills has won a ruling that puts United Petroleum on the hook for the costs — on an indemnity basis — of the law firm’s defence against a case that was, according to a judge Tuesday, “devoid of merit”.

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Director booted from board for missed meetings loses court challenge
Energy & Natural Resources 2018-09-24 1:46 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A director of an energy company who was kicked off the board of directors for missing too many meetings has lost a Federal Court challenge to his dismissal.

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Competing Murray Goulburn class actions look set to co-exist
Class Actions 2018-09-21 2:25 pm By Christine Caulfield

The judge presiding over two shareholder class actions against Murray Goulburn indicated Friday he would likely let both cases proceed jointly to a trial in 2020.

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Sirtex shareholders fear ‘bare cupboard’ for class action after takeover
Class Actions 2018-09-20 4:32 pm By Christine Caulfield

Shareholders in a class action against Sirtex Medical have lost a bid for an order preventing the life sciences company from quietly moving $128 million in cash assets out of the country after its $1.9 billion takeover by a Chinese private equity company comes into effect Thursday, but the battle over the money will likely continue.

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ASIC deputy chair Peter Kell calls it quits
Financial Services 2018-09-18 10:09 pm By Christine Caulfield

The deputy chairman of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, Peter Kell, has resigned just five months into a yearlong extension of his contract with the corporate watchdog.

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ASIC sues ANZ over $2.5B share placement
Competition & Consumer Protection 2018-09-14 4:20 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

ASIC has filed a lawsuit against ANZ alleging it breached its continuous disclosure obligations in relation to a $2.5 billion institutional share placement, which is also at the centre of a criminal cartel case against the bank.

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Shareholders to contest Bellamy’s cost-capping bid in class actions
Class Actions 2018-09-14 2:09 pm By Christine Caulfield

A sought-after court order by organic baby food maker Bellamy’s to limit legal costs in two class actions won’t come without a fight, a barrister for the shareholders said Friday.

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Funders react to ASIC’s thumbs down on licensing
Class Actions 2018-09-13 11:41 pm By Christine Caulfield

The corporate watchdog’s dim view of proposals to regulate litigation funders got a mixed reaction from big players in the industry Thursday, with its position supported by foreign funders but frowned on by at least one home-grown firm.

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ASIC doesn’t want to regulate litigation funders
Class Actions 2018-09-12 11:15 pm By Christine Caulfield

Litigation funders should not be regulated by ASIC but by the courts, the corporate watchdog has told the Australian Law Reform Commission in response to proposals to overhaul the class action regime and subject funders to licensing requirements.

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