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Westpac dodges ASIC bid for rogue trader chatter
Financial Services 2018-08-07 9:46 pm By Christine Caulfield

The corporate watchdog can’t get its hands on documents detailing Westpac’s disciplinary measures against rogue traders or communications between the employees ahead of a penalty hearing in a case that found the bank attempted to influence the Bank Bill Swap Rate.

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ASIC to embed corporate cops in big four banks
Financial Services 2018-08-07 2:02 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission will get a $70.1  million boost to fight corporate wrongdoing as part of a funding package that includes a plan to embed ASIC staff in the big four banks and AMP.

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DQ’d exec appeals ruling that Gadens email was proper service
Securities 2018-08-07 12:53 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A Perth businessman has filed an appeal of a judge’s ruling that an email forwarded by a Gadens lawyer from ASIC alerting him that he had been disqualified from serving as a director constituted proper notification.

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WorleyParsons CFO told earnings targets a ‘stretch’, email reveals
Class Actions 2018-08-06 11:04 pm By Christine Caulfield

A week before WorleyParson’s CEO promised shareholders net profits in excess of $322 million for the 2014 financial year, the engineering group’s global finance director told its CFO that the company’s earnings targets were “a stretch”, according to an email uncovered in a shareholder class action.

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GetSwift class action should be reheard by new judge, Full Court told
Class Actions 2018-08-06 9:03 pm By Miklos Bolza

The judge overseeing the GetSwift class action proceedings was bent on picking a winner from the outset and should be removed from the case for rehearing, a barrister for one of the losing law firms told the Full Federal Court Monday.

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Private equity co. hit with $6.6M penalty for exploiting investor with dementia
Securities 2018-08-06 5:24 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A cane farmer in his 80’s suffering from Alzheimer’s disease will get $6.6 million back that he invested in a failed technology venture, after a judge found the private equity company that arranged the investment exploited the man’s disability.

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$39M in settlements reached in class actions against Sandhurst Trustees
Class Actions 2018-08-03 11:26 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Settlements totaling $39 million have been reached in two class actions against the former trustee of failed investment groups LKM Capital and GR Finance.

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5 things to watch in the GetSwift class action appeal
Analysis 2018-08-03 11:18 pm By Christine Caulfield

Three senior Federal Court judges will hear arguments Monday and Tuesday in a closely-watched appeal of a ruling that stayed two of three competing shareholder class actions against GetSwift as an abuse of process, and the impact of the Full Court’s ruling will be felt for a long time to come. Here are five major issues the court will be wrestling with over the next two days.

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Slater & Gordon auditor faces second class action
Securities 2018-08-03 10:57 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Former Slater & Gordon auditor Pitcher Partners has been hit with a class action alleging it signed off on an overly rosy 2015 year-end financial report that failed to disclose risks and impairments the firm faced from its recent acquisition of UK firm Quindell.

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PwC can’t force law firm off Vocation class action after lead applicant death
Class Actions 2018-08-03 9:47 pm By Christine Caulfield

A judge has dismissed a bid by PriceWaterhouseCoopers to have one of two law firms bow out of a joint class action against the accounting giant after a lead applicant died.

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