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IT consultant charged with insider trading after ASIC probe
White Collar 2018-05-14 5:07 pm By Christine Caulfield

A Sydney-based IT consultant faces multiple charges of insider trading after illegally accessing stock information from a financial publisher, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission said Monday.

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Retail Food Group faces shareholder class action
Franchises 2018-05-11 9:58 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Retail Food Group has been hit with a shareholder class action alleging it failed to make adequate disclosures regarding the financial health of its franchise network.

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AMP vows to defend two shareholder class actions
Class Actions 2018-05-10 10:28 pm By Christine Caulfield

AMP says it will “vigorously defend” two class actions by shareholders in the wake of scandalous revelations at the Royal Commission that led to a $2 billion market cap drop.

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$26M funding cut to hobble ASIC, experts say
Securities 2018-05-10 10:02 pm By Christine Caulfield

The Federal Government’s $26 million cut to ASIC’s budget has been blasted by experts and the opposition for undermining the corporate regulator, already facing the heat of the Banking Royal Commission.

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Secret side deal in class action holds up $19.25M settlement
Class Actions 2018-05-10 8:27 pm By Miklos Bolza

A “secret” side agreement between the lead applicant in a shareholder class action and a litigation funder is at the centre of a dispute in the Federal Court that is delaying distribution of a $19 million settlement in the case.

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Iluka Resources class action gets funding
Energy & Natural Resources 2018-05-10 11:22 am By Cat Fredenburgh

A shareholder class action against mining company Iluka Resources has received funding, the company said Thursday.

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Quinn Emanuel brings class action against AMP
Class Actions 2018-05-09 10:05 pm By Christine Caulfield

Law firm Quinn Emanuel has filed the first shareholder class action against AMP ahead of the beleaguered company’s annual general meeting on Thursday.

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Commonwealth Bank to pay $25 million to settle rate rigging case
Financial Services 2018-05-09 2:39 pm By Christine Caulfield

Commonwealth Bank has agreed to pay $25 million to settle claims by the securities regulator that it manipulated the bank bill swap rate.

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AMP’s three female non-executive directors step down
Financial Services 2018-05-08 6:16 pm By Christine Caulfield

Facing shareholder wrath in the wake of the Royal Commission’s damning revelations, AMP’s three female non-executive directors stepped down on Tuesday.

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JB Hi-Fi cops earful from ASX over buried profit downgrade
Securities 2018-05-07 10:41 pm By Christine Caulfield

JB Hi-Fi has been grilled by the Australian Stock Exchange after slipping news of an earnings downgrade into a presentation at an investment conference.

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