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Wife of billionaire developer can’t suppress affidavits in $272M ATO case
Tax 2022-11-04 5:41 pm By Sam Matthews

The wife of a billionaire developer targeted in a $272 million proceeding by the Australian Taxation Office has lost a bid for suppression orders over the affidavits of a tax official she said would cause the couple to suffer reputational and commercial harm.

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High Court dashes Kupang Resources’ bid to see ex-director’s tax docs
Tax 2022-10-13 3:37 pm By Christine Caulfield

Mineral exploration company Kupang Resources has lost its battle for access to documents produced to the ATO by a former director accused of embezzling millions of dollars.

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Judge doubts utility of Full Court hearing in sacked Greenwoods partnerā€™s case
Employment 2022-10-06 4:02 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has raised concerns about the utility of referring a satellite dispute over whistleblower protections to the Full Court in a $13 million lawsuit brought by an ex-Greenwoods & Herbert Smith Freehills partner.

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Sacked partner in Lendlease ‘tax dodge’ suit wants Full Court to weigh in on whistleblower laws
Employment 2022-09-19 12:49 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A former Greenwoods & Herbert Smith Freehills partner wants the Full Court to decide whether whistleblower protections apply retrospectively in a $13 million suit alleging he was sacked for complaining about the tax avoidance strategy of construction giant Lendlease.

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In loss for ATO, judge rules Liberty Financial schemes were not ‘artificial or contrived’
Tax 2022-09-19 2:17 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has ordered that part of a decision by the Australian Taxation Office over three alleged schemes by Liberty Financial to obtain tax benefits be set aside, rejecting arguments that the corporate groupā€™s operations were ā€œartificial or contrivedā€.

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Mylan appeals ATO’s rejection of $48M deduction in spat over $1.2B Alphapharm deal
Tax 2022-09-19 2:04 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The Australian unit of Mylan is challenging the ATO’s rejection of a $48 million deductionĀ  for 2020 in the generic drug company’s latest spat with the tax office over interest on loans to fund its $1.2 billion acquisition of generic drug maker Alphapharm.

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Sacked partner in Lendlease ‘tax dodge’ suit not a protected whistleblower, court told
Employment 2022-09-06 11:14 pm By Christine Caulfield

The protective scope of whistleblower laws will be tested in a $13 million suit brought by a former Greenwoods & Herbert Smith Freehills partner allegedly sacked for complaining about the tax avoidance strategy of construction giant Lendlease, the advisory firm’s biggest client.

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Silk warned by judge not to get ‘carried away’ in defamation case by bank boss Peter Schiff
Defamation 2022-08-04 11:56 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge has cautioned senior barrister Sue Chrysanthou over her colourful description of a 60 Minutes episode at the heart of Euro Pacific Bank boss Peter Schiffā€™s defamation case against Nine, urging the silk to “be careful”.

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Partner in Lendlease tax ‘dodge’ suit says whistleblower protections apply
Employment 2022-07-28 1:38 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A former Greenwoods & Freehills partner will argue he is entitled to whistleblower protection in his lawsuit against the tax advisory firm and Lendlease, alleging he was forced to leave after refusing to put his name to a tax return and making protected disclosures.

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Kupang Resources takes battle for director’s tax docs to High Court
Energy & Natural Resources 2022-07-22 2:26 pm By Christine Caulfield

Mining company Kupang Resources has asked the High Court to weigh in on its bid for tax office documents as it litigates to recoup millions of dollars allegedly embezzled by the company’s former shadow director.

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