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Three barristers appointed to new Industrial Court in NSW
Employment 2024-04-22 12:52 pm By Sam Matthews

Two employment silks and a criminal barrister have been selected by the NSW government to serve on the state’s restored Industrial Court.

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Westconnex class action paused as funder feuds with lead plaintiff
Class Actions 2024-04-19 12:51 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A class action against Transport for NSW over the alleged fraudulent acquisition of land to construct the $16 billion Westconnex tunnel in Sydney has been put on ice until the funder and the lead plaintiff can resolve a potential dispute. 

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Icon forced into arbitration with ANSTO over $27M waste facility at Lucas Heights
Arbitration 2024-04-19 11:22 pm By Christine Caulfield

A judge has shut down a case by Icon against Australia’s nuclear agency over the $27 million construction of a waste treatment plant at Lucas Heights, saying the dispute should be determined by an arbitrator despite the parties waiving pre-arbitration steps.

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NSW court avoids mention of preferred pronouns in latest practice note
Courts 2024-04-18 10:58 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The NSW Supreme Court has issued a practice note on forms of address that fails to invite parties to inform the court of their preferred pronouns, unlike two other state courts, one of which came under fire from ‘Harry Potter’ author JK Rowling last year.

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High Court to decide if new duty of care for NSW builders is apportionable
Construction 2024-04-18 11:03 pm By Sam Matthews

The High Court is set to weigh in on a challenge to a precedent-setting decision that found breaches of statutory duty under a provision of the Design and Building Practitioners Act are not apportionable, in a case with significant ramifications for the NSW construction industry.

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Not ‘plainly wrong’: NSW appeals court sticks to guns on class closure
Class Actions 2024-04-17 1:12 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The NSW Court of Appeal has said it has no power to exclude group members who do not sign up to a class action from participating in a settlement, upholding a controversial decision that the Full Federal Court said was “plainly wrong”. 

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Solicitor accused of raising money for class action he never filed can’t dodge watchdog’s claims
Legal Ethics 2024-04-16 10:50 pm By Sam Matthews

A Sydney solicitor has lost his bid to summarily dismiss the legal watchdog’s case alleging he set up misleading crowdfunding pages seeking funding for class actions over government orders requiring mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations, as well as another class action that was never filed.

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Prominent Sydney barrister sexually harassed three women, tribunal finds
Legal Ethics 2024-04-15 11:05 pm By Sam Matthews

A tribunal has found prominent barrister Charles Waterstreet guilty of unsatisfactory professional conduct for sexually harassing three women, but declined to find he was unfit to practice after accepting expert evidence that undiagnosed mental illness “was the dominant causal factor” behind his actions.

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Settlement reached in class action against NSW law firm
Class Actions 2024-04-12 10:44 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A class action seeking to hold a regional NSW law firm liable for the actions of a former employee who was sentenced to a term of imprisonment for fraud offences in 2021 has reached a settlement. 

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Indigenous fishing rights class action against NSW could cover 15,000 people, court told
Class Actions 2024-04-11 11:56 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A class action against the New South Wales government alleging it discriminated against Indigenous communities on the south coast for engaging in cultural fishing practices will include up to 15,000 people, a court has heard.

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