Mulpha says a class action over the Mulgoa Rise development in Glenmore Park, NSW needs to clarify its negligence case to enable the developer to decide on the viability of potential cross-claims.
Apartment owners at Sydney’s $2 billion One Central Park have sued Frasers Property over 1,750 planter boxes they say are detaching from the two towers and contain combustible material.
Mining giant Glencore has sued the operator of the Port of Newcastle over shipping fees, alleging it has been overcharged over $800,000 after the port authority disregarded a determination by the competition watchdog.
A developer has pushed a 68-unit residential project in Castle Hill over the line, obtaining the approval of the Land and Environment Court despite slightly exceeding the area’s maximum height restrictions.
The Land and Environment Court has been persuaded to approve a $30 million mixed-use development in central Rockdale, after initially rejecting the proposal.
A judge has warned the lawyers for the owners of the City Mutual Building in Sydney’s CBD about failing to comply with court directions, saying their “inexcusable” delay in providing evidence could not be forgiven just because it was a compulsory acquisition matter.
Investment fund Gateway Capital has partnered with two overseas funds to acquire the Connect Central logistics centre in western Sydney, purchasing the property from Brookfield for $330 million.
Civil construction company Hynash has lost an appeal bid after a judgment put it on the hook for the full sum of a payment claim lodged by a subcontractor following the termination of a contract linked to a Bathurst, NSW project.
A newly created NSW authority tasked with speeding housing developments has selected eleven developments promising 6,400 new homes for fast-track approval.
Owners at the Alcove development in Sydney’s North Shore have been given the green light to expand their case against the Meriton-owned builders to claim $123 million in damages for alleged systemic defects.