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Barrister loses costs review after fee estimate blows out by 480%
Business of Law 2023-02-07 5:34 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A Sydney barrister who charged $349,360 after giving an estimate of $60,000 for work on a bankruptcy case has lost his bid for a costs review after his fee was slashed, with a judge finding his client could not make an informed choice about her representation.

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Police officers immune from strip search class action, court told
Class Actions 2023-01-20 1:15 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The NSW government has struck back at a class action over allegedly unlawful police strip searches at 50 music festivals, saying the state is immune from personal injury claims because police officers had a reasonable suspicion group members were in possession of illegal drugs. 

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Class action by NSW local councils against insurer JLT dismissed by court
Insurance 2022-12-19 4:58 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has thrown out a long-running class action on behalf of 20 local councils in NSW alleging insurer JLT Risk Solutions charged them hundreds of millions of dollars in excessive premiums over nine years.

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Aussie Skips, CEO charged with cartel offences
ACCC 2022-12-19 4:13 pm By Sam Matthews

Aussie Skips Recycling and Aussie Skips Bin Services have been charged with two criminal cartel offences over alleged price fixing for demolition waste services in Sydney.

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Sydney Flames CEO sues team’s owner over alleged boys’ club culture
Employment 2022-12-15 5:02 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The former chief executive officer of the Sydney Flames has filed proceedings against the owner of the women’s basketball team, Hoops Capital, alleging she was sacked after complaining about a lack of resources for the team and a “boys’ club” culture. 

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Courtenay House contractor pleads guilty over $180M Ponzi scheme
White Collar 2022-12-14 9:28 pm By Sam Matthews

A former contractor of investment management fund Courtenay House who received over $670,000 in commissions from investors has pleaded guilty to two criminal charges after an ASIC investigation revealed the company duped 585 investors in a $180 million Ponzi scheme.

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Police strip-search action faces de-classing bid by NSW government
Class Actions 2022-12-12 12:55 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The NSW government will move to de-class a representative proceeding over police strip searches at 50 music festivals, after a judge cast doubt on whether the case should be run as a class action.

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High Court won’t hear appeal of security for costs order in Westconnex class action
High Court 2022-12-08 5:38 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The High Court has refused to hear an appeal of a decision forcing an unnamed litigation funder to provide $415,000 in security for the NSW government’s defence costs in a class action over the alleged fraudulent acquisition of land for construction of the $16 billion WestConnex tunnel.

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Insurer on hook for breast implant class action costs after High Court snub
High Court 2022-11-18 11:18 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Avant Insurance has lost its bid to challenge a ruling which put it on the hook for indemnifying a plastic surgeon in class action proceedings over allegedly botched breast augmentations at a defunct NSW clinic.

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Lawyer reprimanded for using firm letterhead to threaten suit on boyfriend’s behalf
Legal Ethics 2022-11-15 5:51 pm By Sam Matthews

A solicitor of a national law firm has been reprimanded after falsely representing that the firm acted for her partner in a property dispute over $1,000.

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