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Law firm investigates class action on behalf of NT Stolen Generations
Class Actions 2020-10-02 4:06 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The Federal Government could face a class action seeking compensation for Indigenous Australians forcibly removed from their families in the Northern Territory from 1910 to the 1970s.

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New class action alleges ‘institutional racism’ by NT government
Class Actions 2019-10-30 9:09 pm By Christine Caulfield

The Northern Territory government has been hit with a class action alleging the Indigenous population of the remote NT community of Wadeye is subject to “institutional racism” by government authorities.

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Judge to sign off on settlement in Don Dale detention centre class action
Class Actions 2019-09-25 8:16 pm By Miklos Bolza

A judge has indicated he will approve a confidential settlement in a class action brought by a litigation guardian of young Indigenous Australian detainees against the Northern Territory Government alleging human rights abuses.

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Another dispute over Ichthys LNG project may be brewing
Energy & Natural Resources 2019-07-04 11:53 am By Miklos Bolza

The contractor behind the Ichthys LNG project has won court approval to use documents discovered in its lawsuit against Dutch paint manufacturer AkzoNobel for use in any potential dispute with INPEX, the head company behind the liquid natural gas project.

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Class action says UGL should have forecast $129M loss on Ichthys LNG project
Class Actions 2019-05-21 8:00 pm By Miklos Bolza

UGL knew a loss for its Ichthys power project was “looming” as early as February 2014, according to amended pleadings in a shareholder class action, which claims the engineering firm should have forecast a loss of $129 million for the project.

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High Court upholds spiritual attachment damages in landmark native title case
Appeals 2019-03-13 10:40 pm By Christine Caulfield

The High Court has upheld a $1.3 million damages award to native title holders in the Northern Territory town of Timber Creek for their loss of spiritual attachment to the land, in the first ever assessment by the court of native title compensation.

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PetroHunter unit’s case over Beetaloo Basin JV survives dismissal bid
Energy & Natural Resources 2018-11-05 9:21 pm By Miklos Bolza

A subsidiary of US-based PetroHunter Energy has defeated calls to toss its case over $70 million in allegedly unpaid contributions and contractual breaches stemming from a joint mining venture in the Northern Territory’s Beetaloo Basin.

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