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Law firms ask court to bless $42.5M cut of $170M Allianz class action settlement
Class Actions 2025-03-11 11:57 pm By Sam Matthews

The Supreme Court of Victoria has been urged not to meddle with a 25 per cent group costs order in a junk insurance class action that settled for $170 million, in what would be the court’s second blessing of a law firm contingency fee.

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Developer’s challenge to NSW Ports decision an abuse of process, court told
Competition & Consumer Protection 2025-03-11 1:49 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Mayfield Development is barred from bringing claims already traversed in a competition case by the ACCC that was thrown out by a court, NSW Ports has told an appeals court.

Port of Newcastle can’t move wharf dispute with Glencore out of state court
Energy & Natural Resources 2025-03-11 3:20 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The Port of Newcastle has lost its bid to move a lawsuit filed by Glencore Coal over $870,000 in alleged overcharged shipping fees to the Federal Court. 

Construction PRO
Council sues builder ADCO over $59M contract for Kew Recreation Centre
Construction 2025-03-07 11:30 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Boroondara City Council has sued ADCO seeking urgent orders that it sign a deed of guarantee under a $59 million contract to redevelop Kew Recreation Centre, as the builder faces charges over a roof collapse.

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Construction PRO
Duke Apartments developer can bring $6M offsetting claim in fight with builder
Construction 2025-03-07 11:33 pm By Andy Sidler

Duke Ventures has succeeded in setting aside a statutory demand from the builder of a 10-storey development in Collingwood, with a judge finding the property developer can rely on a $6 million offsetting claim. 

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Construction PRO
Superintendent to be dragged into Dymocks’ $4.5M suit over award-winning roof
Construction 2025-03-07 11:20 pm By Julia Kanapathippillai

Dymocks Book Arcade wants to join a project’s superintendent to a $4.5 million lawsuit over a defective roof at a property on the NSW North Coast.

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‘Staggering’: Lawyers taken to task by court for excessive submissions
Courts 2025-03-06 10:58 pm By Andy Sidler

A judge has slammed lawyers for filing “staggering” volumes of documents in an interlocutory skirmish and racking up huge costs, warning the court may need to take “decisive action” to ensure compliance with the Civil Procedure Act.

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Ex-Holding Redlich client sues firm over alleged inadequate fee disclosures
Business of Law 2025-03-05 11:48 pm By Andy Sidler

A former client of Holding Redlich has brought proceedings against the firm over what he says were inadequate fee disclosures. 

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Construction PRO
Crown Group liquidators sue partner on stalled luxury Southbank tower
Restructuring & Insolvency 2025-03-06 11:04 pm By Christine Caulfield

Liquidators of collapsed developer Crown Group have brought legal action against the company’s partner in a joint venture to build a residential tower in Melbourne’s Southbank, seeking to force a sale of the property.

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Construction PRO
‘Passion’ for high-end homes just puffery, but builder on hook for defects: judge
Construction 2025-03-06 11:13 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge has rejected a misleading conduct claim against a builder who professed his “passion” for building high-end homes to a client, but put the builder on the hook for over $1 million in damages for rectification works.

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