A law firm is investigating a potential class action against the Queensland government over stamp duty and land tax surcharges on foreign property purchasers.
A judge has restrained Health Services Union secretary Diana Asmar from using union cash to fund her defence against allegations of illegitimate reimbursements at the union’s Victorian branch.
A criminal case against a former financial adviser from Macquarie accused of trading in derivatives without a client’s authority has been dismissed.
A judge should be disqualified from hearing a class action against Fletcher Building because of his previous association with the funder, as well as public remarks he made as a plaintiffs’ solicitor, a court has heard.
Logistics giant Qube has won a $40 million cut to amounts owed to Martinus Rail in a dispute over construction of the Moorebank terminal project in Sydney’s west.
A vaccine developer cannot prevent Flinders University from blocking his access to a research lab and interfering with the supply of mice for research relating to COVID-19 and other diseases.
Mills Oakley has lured three partners from rival firms to join its offices in Perth, Brisbane and Adelaide.
The Museum of Old and New Art has won its bid to exclude men from its ‘Ladies Lounge’ exhibit, which a judge found promoted equal opportunity by providing a “flipped universe”.
A class action by frustrated buyers over the $85 million sale of a Sydney development has failed to prevent the sale of lots, with a judge finding the class action’s claims lack evidence.
An insurer has asked the High Court to hear an appeal with implications for competition in the “monopolised” market for lawyers professional indemnity insurance in New South Wales.