A class action against Toyota’s finance arm over kickbacks for car loans wants to expand the case to include claims customers were sold worthless insurance.
A Victorian barrister found guilty of contempt for representing her sons despite an order barring her from practicing can’t re-open reviews of two decisions denying her a certificate.
Star Entertainment has been fined $15 million for serious compliance failures, but the NSW gaming watchdog has given the casino operator a chance to retain its Sydney licence.
A daughter of the late Visy tycoon Richard Pratt has won another shot at a piece of the multi-billion-dollar family fortune.
The company behind an abandoned $185 million development in Gosford, NSW can’t lift a stay on a $37 million judgment it won against the Australian unit of China’s Shanxi Construction Group.
Crown Melbourne has been fined $2 million by the Victorian gaming watchdog, which found more than 200 patrons were allowed to gamble after they had opted to bar themselves from the casino.
A solicitor who was found to have made misleading statements to the court, a judge’s associate and another lawyer should be struck from the roll, a tribunal has found.
Treasury Wine Estates has agreed to pay $65 million to settle a shareholder class action that was set down for a seven-week trial beginning Monday.
A bid to disqualify a judge who spoke publicly about proposed reforms to class action law from hearing a class action against Fletcher Building is out of touch with reality, a court has heard.
The CDPP and ASIC have succeeded in staying Clive Palmer’s case challenging the lawfulness of a seven-year-old examination, with a judge finding it would fragment criminal cases against the mining magnate.