The Museum of Old and New Art has won its bid to exclude men from its ‘Ladies Lounge’ exhibit, which a judge found promoted equal opportunity by providing a “flipped universe”.
A class action by frustrated buyers over the $85 million sale of a Sydney development has failed to prevent the sale of lots, with a judge finding the class action’s claims lack evidence.
An insurer has asked the High Court to hear an appeal with implications for competition in the “monopolised” market for lawyers professional indemnity insurance in New South Wales.
The Fair Work Commission has dismissed a six-year-old unfair dismissal case against Gadens, describing the case as part of an apparent “spiteful campaign” against the firm.
The nephew of Clive Palmer and former director of Queensland Nickel has failed to reverse a decision rejecting his bid to dismiss contempt proceedings related to the company’s collapse.
Medical device supplier Medtronic has been socked with a $22 million penalty after it supplied non-compliant bone graft kits to hospitals, in what is the largest penalty under the Therapeutics Good Act.
A second law firm has filed a class action against Harvey Norman alleging it sold extended warranties to customers that had “no real value”.
Insurers have won a challenge to a declaration that engineering firm CIMIC could make claims under policies for costs arising from corruption cases, including a $32 million class action settlement.
Private equity firm Alceon and a vendor have been hit with $3 million damages over the misleading sale of a Queensland shopping centre for $55 million.
An appeals court has dismissed a class action on behalf of small businesses over alleged nuisance caused by the construction of Sydney’s $3 billion light rail network.