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Atomos can pursue case against US-based ex-CEO over relocation costs
Employment 2024-01-12 11:49 pm By Sam Matthews

Atomos’ former US-based CEO — who was fired after she failed to relocate to Melbourne — has lost her fight to stay the video technology company’s lawsuit, with a judge finding the dispute over a bridging loan for the international move should be decided under Australian law.

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Judge rejects climate challenge to NSW logging agreement
Environment 2024-01-10 12:44 pm By Cindy Cameronne

An environmental group has lost its case alleging the federal government failed to take climate change into account when it renewed an agreement for logging in New South Wales, with a judge saying it was a ‘political’ issue rather than one for the courts.

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NSW tries to duck exemplary damages in strip search class action
Class Actions 2024-01-09 12:37 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The New South Wales government wants to strike out class action claims that police conducted illegal strip searches at music festivals in the state ‘as a matter of routine’ and that it should face exemplary damages.

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A fool for a client? NSW appeals court ruling a boon for self-repped law firms 
Legal Ethics 2024-01-05 8:13 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The NSW Court of Appeal has issued a judgment contradicting a finding from its Victorian counterpart, ruling that law firm Atanaskovic Hartnell can recover costs for work done by its own solicitors in a lawsuit against a former client in which the firm represented itself.

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Concert promoter loses appeal against TEG Live over One Direction tour
Entertainment 2024-01-05 10:17 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A Sydney concert promoter has lost his appeal against former Nine unit TEG Live, with an appeals court agreeing that his idea to promote a 2013 Australian tour by English-Irish boy band One Direction was not ‘unique’ enough to be confidential information. 

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Judge signs off on 24% GCO in a2 Milk shareholder class action
Class Actions 2023-12-20 3:21 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge has approved a 24 per cent group costs order in a consolidated class action against a2 Milk, noting the complexity of the claims against the dairy giant and saying a GCO would align the class action lawyers’ interests with group members’.

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Judge ‘abundantly satisfied’ strip search case against NSW should continue as class action
Class Actions 2023-12-19 2:44 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A judge has found that a lawsuit against the state of NSW over hundreds of allegedly illegal strip searches conducted by NSW police at music festivals over a six-year period should move forward as a class action.

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Acciona wins $10M spat with EnerMech over WestConnex contract
Construction 2023-12-18 5:25 pm By Sam Matthews

Acciona has prevailed in a fight with subcontractor EnerMech over a $10 million progress payment, which a judge found was instead an attempt by EnerMech to claim a credit in relation to security paid to Acciona.

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Maurice Blackburn beats out rival in contest to run Hino class action
Class Actions 2023-12-15 11:10 am By Sam Matthews

A judge has awarded carriage of a class action against Toyota unit Hino to Maurice Blackburn, finding that the law firm’s experience and resources trumped those of small personal injury firm Gerard Malouf & Partners, despite its alliance with a large US firm. 

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Jan Cameron found guilty of failing to disclose interest in Bellamy’s
White Collar 2023-12-15 10:43 pm By Sam Matthews

Former Bellamy’s Australia director Jan Cameron has been found guilty of two counts of breaching the Corporations Act, following an investigation by the corporate regulator over her failure to disclose her stake in the baby formula company. 

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