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Palmers Oaky fire class action settles for $4.5M
Class Actions 2023-10-31 3:03 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A class action over a December 2019 fire that was allegedly ignited by welding work on a rural property in NSW and spread out of control has settled for $4.5 million. 

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Court tosses lawsuit over $55M sale of Queensland shopping centre
Real Estate 2023-10-31 4:09 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge has thrown out a lawsuit over the $55 million sale of Queensland shopping centre brought by an arm of Elanor Investors Group, clearing the vendor and its agent of allegedly misleading or deceptive conduct.

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Melbourne’s Block Arcade accused of infringing iconic tea room’s trade marks
Intellectual Property 2023-10-27 9:12 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The owner of Melbourne’s iconic Hopetoun Tea Rooms, which opened its doors in the Block Arcade in 1892, has sued the historic shopping arcade for allegedly mimicking its business by opening a near-identical cafe in the same location.

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NT government wins strike-out bid in racial discrimination class action
Class Actions 2023-10-27 10:34 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A class action against the Northern Territory government has been sent back to the drawing board, with a judge striking out allegations that its funding of Aboriginal interpreting services discriminated against people in a remote Indigenous community.

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GCOs can’t travel to NSW, appeals court says in Arrium class action
Class Actions 2023-10-26 12:41 pm By Cindy Cameronne

KPMG has lost the latest round in its fight to transfer a class action over the collapse of steel giant Arrium from Victoria to NSW, with an appeals court finding that a group costs order made in the case could not travel across the border.

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Former Ord Minnett wealth adviser barred from soliciting clients
Employment 2023-10-25 6:17 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge has granted wealth manager Ord Minnett’s bid for injunctions preventing a former senior wealth adviser from soliciting its clients.

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Diversity clause in Victorian Bar constitution fails to win the votes
Business of Law 2023-10-24 11:09 pm By Christine Caulfield

Barristers in Victoria have voted against changes to the Bar’s constitution to include the promotion of diversity and prevention of discrimination as part of the organisation’s goals.

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Victorian healthcare providers stung with junior doctors class action
Employment 2023-10-23 10:44 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Two more Victorian healthcare providers have been hit with a class action on behalf of junior doctors alleging they were not paid for unrostered work.

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Akzo Nobel loses bid to transfer case worth ‘billions’ over Ichthys LNG project
Construction 2023-10-20 9:38 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Dutch paint company Akzo Nobel has lost its bid to transfer a case over the $45 billion Ichthys natural gas project to state court in Western Australia, with a judge finding the overlap with insurance-related proceedings in the state court was tolerable.

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Barrister fees recoverable under workers’ comp rules, appeals court says
Business of Law 2023-10-20 5:42 pm By Sam Matthews

An appeals court has found that barrister’s fees are not excluded as a recoverable outlay under worker’s compensation regulations.

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