Building company Icon is fighting developer Cittaâs application to vacate the hearing of its claim to $1.2 million for consulting work on a Victorian state project, rejecting the developerâs claim it was ambushed by a new defence.
Civil construction company Hynash has lost an appeal bid after a judgment put it on the hook for the full sum of a payment claim lodged by a subcontractor following the termination of a contract linked to a Bathurst, NSW project.
A newly created NSW authority tasked with speeding housing developments has selected eleven developments promising 6,400 new homes for fast-track approval.
Victoria Policeâs use of pepper spray to disperse environmental protesters at a 2019 mining conference was a âtotal overreachâ of force, a court has heard.
Owners at the Alcove development in Sydneyâs North Shore have been given the green light to expand their case against the Meriton-owned builders to claim $123 million in damages for alleged systemic defects.Â
Property developer Mirvac has won a $220,000 dispute against designer outlet store Estro over unpaid licence fees and charges under a commercial lease for a store at Sydneyâs Birkenhead Point.
Gas giants Esso and Woodside have won their bid to stay a court case related to a project for extracting hydrocarbons in the Bass Strait, with a judge finding the court should apply a ‘light touch’ when interpreting arbitration agreements.
Seven can strike out part of West Coast Eagles player Jack Darling’s suit alleging it was the ‘publisher’ of allegedly defamatory articles in The West Australian that accused him of being anti-vax.
The development management company behind the $2.7 billion STH BNK project, which was placed in administration last week, owes creditors — including lawyers, consultants and designers — over $100 million.
The developer of a suite of Holiday Inn Express hotels has succeeded in its appeal of a ruling that laid bare privileged material connected to its lawyers’ bills.