The Albanese government will allocate $2.5 billion for construction of Brisbane Arena ahead of the 2032 Olympic Games.
A judge has order the winding up of a construction company contracted to build a Queensland shopping centre after the builder failed to comply with a statutory demand.
The developer of a suite of Holiday Inn Express hotels has succeeded in its appeal of a ruling that laid bare privileged material connected to its lawyers’ bills.
A court has granted a rare stay over a judgment debt to the developer of a Taringa Coles shopping centre, finding if final judgment comes down in its favour, financially troubled builder Kenik may not be able to repay the funds.
The Queensland government has been slammed for delays in two class actions over the removal of Indigenous children, while the state pushes to strike out claims at the heart of the case.
Power company Callide has been hit with a $9 million penalty for “very serious” contraventions of the National Electricity Rules that led to an explosion at a coal-fired power station.
Embattled casino operator Star Entertainment has rejected offers to buy out its stake in the $3.6 billion Queens Wharf entertainment district project in Brisbane.
A tribunal has refused to order a contractor to remove external sunscreens on Meriton’s 70-storey Infinity Tower in the Brisbane CBD, despite finding they were made of combustible aluminum composite panels.
Callide Energy has failed in a courtroom bid to block the sale its partner’s interest in the joint venture for the construction and operation of Queensland’s Callide power station.
The competition regulator is seeking views on whether IAG’s bid to acquire a 90 per cent stake in RACQ’s insurance underwriting business for $855 million could saddle consumers with higher prices.