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Backlash from barristers as Chief Justice backs KO of KC in South Australia
Business of Law 2024-07-01 12:45 pm By Christine Caulfield

Senior South Australian barristers have called on the state’s top judge to retract public statements reportedly made in support of moves by the Attorney-General to abolish the King’s Counsel title, but the judge has told the indignant members of the Bar his comments were taken out of context.

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ATO whistleblower loses appeal over bid for immunity
Tax 2024-06-28 2:46 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A former ATO worker who accused his employer of using heavy handed debt collection tactics against taxpayers has lost his second bid for immunity from prosecution, with an appeals court finding that whistleblowing laws only protect the disclosure itself.Ā 

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Lawyer’s miscalculation justifies extension in Santos engineer’s unfair dismissal case, FWC says
Employment 2024-05-01 1:43 pm By Sam Matthews

A former engineer with Santos has won a bid for more time to bring a claim against the energy giant, with the Fair Work Commission finding ā€œan error in arithmeticā€ by her lawyer was a reasonable explanation for the out-of-time filing.

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In spat over $365,000 bill, court finds law firm failed to make ongoing disclosures to client
Legal Ethics 2024-04-22 3:41 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge has found that a law firm failed in its duty to provide ongoing costs disclosures, in a fight over a legal bill that was double the size of the last estimate provided, rejecting an argument that the client should have understood the charges would climb.

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Judgeā€™s refusal to disqualify himself from MinterEllison costs dispute overturned
Business of Law 2024-04-10 10:54 pm By Sam Matthews

A judgeā€™s refusal to recuse himself from hearing a costs dispute between MinterEllison and a former client has been overturned, with a court finding that a number of complaints made about the judge by the client created ā€œa contestā€ between them.

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‘Such a serious departure’: Lawyer struck from roll for failing to pay barristers
Legal Ethics 2024-03-26 11:50 pm By Sam Matthews

A court has struck the name of an Adelaide solicitor from the roll for failing to pay six barristers and misappropriating trust funds, finding the misconduct was not excused by his financial difficulties.

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‘You’re being very dramatic’: Judge hears of vaccine developer’s ‘life and death’ fight with uni
Employment 2024-01-16 11:06 pm By Sam Matthews

A court fight has broken out between a vaccine developer and South Australia’s Flinders University over the supply of mice and access to a lab at the college, with the professor’s lawyer declaring the battle “literally a matter of life and death”.

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Four states face class action investigation over removal of Indigenous children
Class Actions 2023-11-29 5:16 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A law firm is investigating potential class action claims against New South Wales, South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia for allegedly discriminating against First Nations families by unnecessarily placing children in out-of-home care.

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Top judge of South Australia corrects JK Rowling on pronoun protocol
Courts 2023-11-06 5:06 pm By Sam Matthews

The Chief Justice of South Australia has corrected JK Rowlingā€™s ā€œcompletely unfoundedā€ fears about a new practice note relating to the use of preferred gender pronouns in the stateā€™s courts, after the Harry Potter author took to Twitter to criticise it.

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Two years after opt-out too late for security bid in SA Power class action: court
Class Actions 2023-09-11 11:17 pm By Sam Matthews

A class action against SA Power over a 2019 bushfire in the Adelaide Hills has dodged the energy companyā€™s belated bid for security.

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