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Ex-ATO worker was not forced to resign amid murder charges, FWC finds
Employment 2024-07-24 11:37 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A former employee of the Australian Taxation Office who faced murder charges over a cold case from 1984, which have since been dropped, has lost his unfair dismissal case after the FWC found he was not forced to resign. 

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Law firm director sacked assistant in ChatGPT-written text message, FWC finds
AI 2024-07-17 9:36 pm By Sam Matthews

The director of a Perth law firm fired a legal assistant by a text message that was generated with ChatGPT, the Fair Work Commission has found.

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Government backs FWC plan to put CFMEU construction division into administration
Construction 2024-07-17 11:25 pm By Sam Matthews

Employment Minister Tony Burke says he will support the Fair Work Commission’s plan to appoint an independent administrator to the construction division of the CFMEU and flagged an AFP investigation into recent allegations the union has been infiltrated by criminal figures. 

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BlueScope’s circumstantial evidence falls short in unfair dismissal case
Employment 2024-07-10 11:23 pm By Sam Matthews

The Fair Work Commission has ruled that an electrician with BlueScope Steel was unfairly dismissed following a complaint by a coworker who did not give evidence to the commission, finding that it was “abundantly unfair” for the complaint to be advanced as hearsay evidence.

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Firefighters union fails on appeal in spat with Fire Rescue Victoria
Appeals 2024-06-20 11:03 pm By Andy Sidler

The United Firefighters Union has lost an appeal of two Fair Work Commission decisions, with the Full Federal Court finding that a commissioner did not err in deciding the matter at a later time.

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Failure to meet KPIs not valid reason for axing telemarketer: FWC
Employment 2024-06-19 10:41 pm By Sam Matthews

A failure to meet key performance indicators not written into her employment contract was not a valid reason for sacking a telemarketer, the FWC has found in awarding the worker $10,000 in compensation.

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PwC director should not have relied on co-worker’s text message in resigning: FWC
Employment 2024-06-06 11:39 pm By Andy Sidler

The Fair Work Commission has found a former PricewaterhouseCoopers director should not have relied solely on a colleague’s text message in deciding to resign while on leave, rejecting her argument that the accounting firm had essentially forced her resignation.

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Unions to launch battle against ‘discriminatory’ junior pay rates
Employment 2024-06-06 11:45 pm By Andy Sidler

The Australian Council of Trade Unions is planning to challenge junior pay rates at the Fair Work Commission, arguing that the deck is unfairly stacked against young people. 

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Email with paraphrased legal advice privileged, FWC finds in union’s multi-employer deal row
Energy & Natural Resources 2024-05-30 11:35 pm By Andy Sidler

The Fair Work Commission has found in favour of a union in its bid to keep an email containing legal advice confidential amid a stoush with Peabody Energy and other mining companies over a proposed multi-enterprise agreement. 

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Unvaccinated DP World workers lose appeal bid for reinstatement despite ‘harsh’ dismissal
Employment 2024-05-14 11:11 pm By Andy Sidler

A group of DP World workers previously found to have been “blindsided” by their dismissal for refusing a mandatory COVID-19 jab have failed in a bid to appeal a decision that found their reinstatement inappropriate.

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