Discount pharmacy Priceline has finally won its bid to trade mark its signature pink colour, a year after its application was rebuffed by IP Australia.
A consortium of parmigiano reggiano producers has lost its opposition to registration of a parmesan trade mark in Australia by an international group dedicated to protecting common names from being monopolised.
Crown Melbourne has dropped its appeal of a decision by IP Australia that rejected the casino’s application for a patent covering a modified roulette game.
Agricultural giant Nufarm has lost its appeal of a decision giving rival Advanta Seeds extra time to pay a renewal fee for its patent for a hybrid plant cell, after an error by its lawyers caused the renewal to fall through the cracks.
The Indian government has lost a bid to register a trade mark for the word ‘Basmati’, after an IP Australia delegate found rice growers outside of India had an “equally valid claim” to use the term.
Mastercard has lost a bid to patent a data processing system used to prevent fraud on payment card networks, with an IP delegate Australia ruling the invention “does not rise above an idea.”
The High Court will not wade into the global debate over whether artificial intelligence inventions should receive patent protection, letting stand a Full Court judgment that overturned a landmark victory for AI pioneer Dr Stephen Thaler.
French drug giant Sanofi has appealed a decision giving American biopharmaceutical company Amgen the go-ahead for its patents for a cholesterol-lowering antibody that could be used to treat heart disease, diabetes, stroke and Alzheimer’s.
A consortium of parmigiano reggiano producers who claim Kraft Foods’ ‘Kraft parmesan cheese’ trade will lead customers to believe the food giant’s cheese is made in Italy have taken their fight to the Federal Court.
US-based mozzarella giant Leprino Foods has succeeded in removing Canadian dairy company Saputo’s ‘Ascend’ trade mark for non-use.