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Nuix takes insurers to court over coverage for legal bills
Insurance 2024-10-17 11:29 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Nuix has taken a slew of insurers to court seeking coverage of legal bills incurred in defending multiple class actions and proceedings by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.

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CBA hit with $7.5M penalty for breaching spam laws
Privacy & Cybersecurity 2024-10-17 4:50 pm By Sam Matthews

Commonwealth Bank has paid a $7.5 million penalty after an ACMA investigation found it sent over 170 million emails that violated spam laws. 

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Collectable car dealer defeats ATO in High Court fight over lux car tax
Tax 2024-10-17 1:53 pm By Sam Matthews

A collectable car dealer who operated his Gosford business using a ‘museum concept’ has won a High Court victory in a dispute with the ATO over whether he should be on the hook for luxury car tax.

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Aristocrat seeks High Court do-over on Lightning Link patents
Appeals 2024-10-15 11:15 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Aristocrat has asked the High Court to rule once and for all on whether its popular Lightning Link game is patentable, after a differently comprised court was evenly split on the question.

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The Good Guys hits back at ACCC case over store credit claims
Competition & Consumer Protection 2024-10-14 11:54 am By Andy Sidler

The Good Guys has admitted 21,000 customers were not provided with store credit within the timeframe specified in promotions, but denies the most customers never received the promised credit.

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1 or 21M: Australian Clinical Labs wants court’s take on OAIC’s data breach maths
Privacy & Cybersecurity 2024-10-11 11:35 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Australian Clinical Labs, which is facing regulatory action over a 2022 data breach, is fighting the information commissioner’s claim that it breached privacy laws 21.5 million times.

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Merger regime overhaul to make process more challenging, lawyers say
Corporate 2024-10-10 12:16 pm By Christine Caulfield

The federal government’s bill to overhaul the merger review regime has been welcomed by the regulator, but competition lawyers have warned the clearance process under the reforms will prove more challenging. 

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Celebrity chef in hot water over alleged underpayments
Employment 2024-10-10 10:55 pm By Andy Sidler

The company and chef behind the former French Potts Point fine dining restaurant Metisse have been taken to court for allegedly underpaying two French employees. 

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Full Court asked to clarify ‘authorised rep’ in ASIC crypto appeal
Cryptocurrency 2024-10-10 2:48 pm By Sam Matthews

ASIC has appealed a decision in its mostly successful case against the issuer of the Qoin crypto coin, challenging an “important” finding on authorised representatives of AFSL holders. 

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AFT’s patent for cold medication just three drugs ‘in a box’, IP Australia says
Intellectual Property 2024-10-10 2:58 pm By Sam Matthews

IP Australia has rejected AFT Pharmaceuticals’ bid to patent a combination cold and flu medication, finding the invention was little more than putting three different medications “in a box”.

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