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Fox Symes pays up over misleading ’15 second approval’ ad
Competition & Consumer Protection 2018-05-24 10:27 pm By Christine Caulfield

Debt management firm Fox Symes will pay $37,800 in penalties for misleading advertising, including its promise that customers could secure lending approval in 15 seconds.

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Cash Converters pays $650,000 for breaking debt collection rules
Competition & Consumer Protection 2018-05-24 5:18 pm By Miklos Bolza

Cash Converters has agreed to pay $650,000 in a settlement with ASIC after the regulator found the retail pawnbroker routinely breached guidelines governing debt collection.

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Corrs Chambers joins Ford class action amid Bannister’s funder feud
Class Actions 2018-05-23 10:18 pm By Christine Caulfield

Three weeks after a court heard Bannister Law could be forced off a massive class action against Ford, Corrs Chambers Westgarth has joined the case to jointly act for the lead applicants.

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Telstra’s ‘Unlimited’ ad campaign misleading, court rules
Telecommunications 2018-05-23 6:25 pm By Miklos Bolza

Telstra has engaged in misleading and deceptive conduct and breached the Australian Consumer Law with its ‘Unlimited’ advertising campaign, a judge ruled Wednesday.

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Robbie Waterhouse’s defamation case against Fairfax heads to mediation
Defamation 2018-05-23 5:41 pm By Miklos Bolza

A defamation case by the husband of racing legend Gai Waterhouse against Fairfax Media alleging a Sydney Morning Herald article damaged his reputation has been ordered into mediation by the Federal Court.

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Class actions over Willmott Forests scheme collapse wrap up
Class Actions 2018-05-23 5:17 pm By Christine Caulfield

Class actions brought by victims of the failed Willmott Forests managed investment scheme have come to a close, two years after a judge issued a stunning ruling rejecting an initial settlement as favoring clients of M&K Lawyers over other investors, and including payment of a hefty legal bill.

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ASIC’s Peter Kell says finance sector’s excuses have run out
Financial Services 2018-05-22 9:09 pm By Miklos Bolza

ASIC deputy chair Peter Kell has put financial services firm’s on notice that excusing poor behaviour as an industrywide problem won’t cut it anymore.

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Westpac admits checks on small loan guarantors ‘more form’ than substance
Financial Services 2018-05-22 8:28 pm By Miklos Bolza

Westpac faced another tortuous day at the Banking Royal Commission on Tuesday, with general manager of commercial banking Alastair Welsh under the spotlight for inconsistencies in the bank’s small business lending practices. 

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AWU faces court action for keeping lapsed members registered
Employment 2018-05-22 4:55 pm By Miklos Bolza

The Registered Organisations Commissioner has filed Federal Court proceedings against the Australian Workers’ Union, alleging the union broke the law by failing to keep an accurate register of its members.

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GetSwift class actions to learn their fate, and lawyers watch closely
Class Actions 2018-05-22 4:47 pm By Christine Caulfield

A decision on the fate of three class actions against logistics software company GetSwift is set for Wednesday, and counsel behind the competing cases aren’t the only lawyers waiting with baited breath.

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