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NACC to kick off with ‘huge backlog’ of referrals
Analysis 2023-06-30 11:20 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The new federal corruption watchdog that commenced operating Friday will likely turn its sights first on the award of public grants, and is expected to face a “huge backlog” of referrals. 

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Stalled $2B Central Barangaroo development in legal privilege stand-off
Construction 2023-06-30 10:47 pm By Gareth Baker

The NSW government and the former developer of a stalled $2 billion Central Barangaroo development project are headed for a discovery showdown in their $270 million stoush, with both sides fighting to protect what they say are privileged communications.

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HWL Ebsworth’s claim of exhausted discovery in partner spat ‘puzzling’, judge says
Business of Law 2023-06-29 10:47 pm By Gareth Baker

A judge has criticised HWL Ebsworth’s discovery efforts and ordered the law firm to try again in the firm’s dispute with a former partner claiming the company cut him out of a proposed ASX float in 2020. 

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Class action slams Carnival’s ‘bizarre’ bid for law firm’s strategy docs
Class Actions 2023-06-29 11:00 pm By Gareth Baker

A Shine Lawyers class action over norovirus outbreaks on Carnival’s Sun Princess cruise ship has called an attempt to see documents outlining its strategy for the case “abusive” and “bizarre”, as the cruise operator continues its fight to have the suit struck out. 

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CBA hires Clayton Utz partner to lead in-house legal team
Financial Services 2023-06-27 3:06 pm By Gareth Baker

Commonwealth Bank of Australia has recruited Clayton Utz partner and executive chair Karen O’Flynn to replace the outgoing Carmel Mulhern as the bank’s group general counsel.

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High Court tosses Russia’s bid to halt embassy eviction
High Court 2023-06-26 3:47 pm By Christine Caulfield

The High Court has dismissed Russia’s application for an injunction blocking the eviction of Moscow’s embassy from Canberra.

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Settlement in FIFO class action against Thiess wins approval
Class Actions 2023-06-26 2:49 pm By Christine Caulfield

A court has signed off on a settlement in a six-year-old class action against mining services company Thiess by fly-in fly-out workers recruited for construction of a Woodside Energy LNG plant in WA’s Pilbara region.

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Sydney Trains driver sacked for drinking deserves rehearing, Full Court says
Employment 2023-06-26 10:05 pm By Gareth Baker

The Full Court has held a Sydney Trains driver who worked the morning after blowing over four times the legal limit is entitled to a rehearing, finding the Fair Work Commission failed to properly consider a section of its own founding legislation. 

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Two commercial silks appointed to NSW Supreme Court
People In The News 2023-06-22 9:23 am By Sam Matthews

The NSW Supreme Court will welcome two prolific commercial silks to the bench, including a barrister known as an advocate for gender equality at the bar.

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Quintis founder’s estate sequestered, in win for company with $15M claim
Restructuring & Insolvency 2023-06-22 11:26 pm By Christine Caulfield

A court has ordered the estate of Frank Wilson, founder of failed sandalwood producer Quintis, to be sequestered in a claim brought by Quintis subsidiary Arwon to recover an unpaid $15 million debt. 

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