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ACCC tells ‘fake local’ florists to get out of town
Competition & Consumer Protection 2023-05-29 11:37 pm By Gareth Baker

The ACCC has brought proceedings against a national flower retailer for allegedly adapting its websites and google ads to deceive online customers into believing they were a local florist. 

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ASIC hits pause on Humm’s buy now, pay later products
Fintech 2023-05-26 3:07 pm By Gareth Baker

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has hit fintech Humm Group with an interim stop order barring it from issuing buy now, pay later products to new customers.

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Sydney fraudster Melissa Caddick dead, coroner finds
White Collar 2023-05-25 12:35 pm By Sam Matthews

The New South Wales deputy state coroner has concluded that accused conwoman Melissa Caddick is dead, but questions remain about the circumstances of her death.

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PwC tax document leaks scandal referred by Treasury to police
Tax 2023-05-24 11:31 pm By Christine Caulfield

Treasury has referred the tax policy leak scandal engulfing PricewaterhouseCoopers to federal police for possible criminal investigation.

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Victorian judge picked to turn around troubled AAT
Courts 2023-05-24 12:15 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge from the Supreme Court of Victoria has been selected to lead the successor to the troubled Administrative Appeals Tribunal, which will be abolished following allegations the former government appointed political allies with no expertise.

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Greenwashing, ESG next target for class action firms, says Clayton Utz partner
Class Actions 2023-05-24 11:00 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Class action firms and funders will set their sights on claims related to environmental, social and governance investing, says Clayton Utz’s new litigation partner Matthew Spain, but whether the game is worth the candle remains to be seen.

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Dentons adds top barrister to dispute resolution team
People In The News 2023-05-24 3:51 pm By Gareth Baker

Dentons has welcomed former barrister and NSW Industrial Relations commissioner Jane Seymour to its dispute resolution team in Sydney.

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Having their cake and ATEing it too? Class action funders face scrutiny for defraying risk
Analysis 2023-05-23 11:12 pm By Christine Caulfield

As the spotlight on class action costs grows, litigation funders can expect increased judicial scrutiny of their attempts to pass on the cost of after-the-event insurance premiums to class action members.

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‘Looks like credit, acts like credit’: Government flags reforms to buy now, pay later industry
Fintech 2023-05-22 2:32 pm By Sam Matthews

Buy now, pay later services will soon be regulated as credit products under proposed changes to the law flagged by the federal government amid concerns about financial risks the service poses to consumers.

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TPG-backed company fleeced in major scam tied to $1B climate deal, court told
Exclusive 2023-05-18 11:00 pm By Cindy Cameronne

TPG-owned Anew Climate has sued an Australian company that allegedly impersonated a US carbon offset developer by using “bogus” emails to unlawfully receive payments under a $968 million (US$640 million) investment deal, a court has heard.

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