A group of Victorian barristers says the Bar has a responsibility to make a public statement backing the proposed Voice to Parliament, while others have questioned the “propriety” of speaking out, an email to members reveals.
The tax leaks scandal engulfing PwC has shone a spotlight on the culture of large professional services firms, where ensuring compliance with good governance is akin to “herding cats”, experts say.
PricewaterhouseCoopers has appointed former Telstra CEO Ziggy Switkowski to investigate the tax leaks scandal that has engulfed the firm.
Rules limiting the amount of pro bono work in-house lawyers can perform should be updated, Australia leading body representing corporate counsel has advised, citing concerns that the restrictions will discourage young lawyers from working in-house.
A recent decision by the Federal Court that questioned whether the introduction of a serious harm test in defamation law could infringe the Judiciary Act has shone a light on the need for a federal defamation framework, legal experts say.
Enforcement of Australia’s privacy laws, including funding for the privacy commissioner to litigate companies for major privacy and data breaches, received a $45.2 million investment in Tuesday’s federal budget.
With legal practices shaping up as a ripe target for cyberattacks, experts say many firms have a long way to go in implementing best practice cybersecurity to avoid potentially “catastrophic” outcomes.
Leading barristers have come out in support of the proposal to amend the Constitution to enshrine a Voice to Parliament to represent First Australians.
Reforms that would make lawyers subject to the anti-money laundering and counter terrorism financing regime have received mixed reviews from legal professionals, with one expert saying the regime was a “blunt instrument” and could put lawyers in an ill-suited policing role.
Reforms to simplify and modernise Australia’s anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing regime will see lawyers and accountants subject to the regulations for the first time.